Tacha Fires Back After Davido Likes Troll Tweet


Nigerian reality star Natacha Akide, popularly known as Tacha, has reignited a simmering feud with singer Davido after he seemingly endorsed a troll tweet mocking her. The incident unfolded on social media, leaving fans buzzing and speculating on the latest twist in their complex relationship.

The drama started with a tweet by Twitter user DaddyZee02, which took a jab at Tacha’s past controversies. Davido, to the surprise of many, decided to like the tweet, fueling speculation that he still harbored animosity towards the former Big Brother Naija housemate.

Tacha wasn’t about to let the shade slide. She swiftly took to Twitter to address the situation, responding with a mix of sass and seriousness. “Lol Dude must really think this is 2018 bro it’s big 2024,” she wrote in a tweet, alongside a series of hashtags like “#NaDemRushGoMohbadCandleNightOh!!” and “#Big2024WillCallOutAnyMagasBSNobodyDeyFeedAnybody.”

The hashtags hinted at further context to the exchange. The “MohbadCandleNight” likely references an event Tacha attended with Davido in December 2023, which some online critics perceived as a reconciliatory gesture. The “Magas” hashtag, a slang term for self-important individuals, suggests Tacha’s frustration with being targeted by negativity and gossip.

This latest episode adds another chapter to the on-again, off-again relationship between Tacha and Davido. Their history dates back to 2019 when Tacha was disqualified from Big Brother Naija after a heated physical altercation with fellow housemate Mercy Eke. Davido, at the time, was seen as a supporter of Mercy, which further strained his relationship with Tacha.


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