Tamuno’s place in history


SIR: Professor Tekena Tamuno’s exit to eternity created unforgettable gaps with sad ripples in the historical field of scholarship. Generations of his students and mentees as well as his academic associates placed him on top of excellence in and outside his field.

He was both an inspiring fellow researcher and teacher with humility and gentility rarely matched by others.

Tamuno’s works and interests in history are not locked up in Arts but bridge the Faculties of Arts and the Social Sciences, thus making outstanding contributions to development studies and nation-building.

TNT, as we called him, was a strong pillar in the famous Ibadan School of History. He was a versatile scholar who continued his research and prolific publications to old age. He harmonized intellectual pursuit and administrative competence as Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan.

Prof. Tamuno, OFR, was an appreciated family man and a highly respected statesman. He humourised communications and relationships in serious academic as well as friendly encounters.

May God grant strength to his loving wife and children and may his Godly soul rest in perfect peace.

•Professor Onigu Otite,



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