Taraba: Petitioners unhappy over failure to transmit EndSARS’ report for NEC’s consideration 

Dreams of Police brutality victims in Taraba State receiving the compensation awarded them by the Christopher Awubra-panel may have been dashed following the panel’s inability to transmit its report to the National Economic Council (NEC) for consideration. 

Some members of the panel, who spoke with The Guardian, blamed the state government for not making funds available to the panel to tidy up the report for transmission to the council.

The panel, which concluded its sittings, was said to have failed to transmit its report to the appropriate quarters due to paucity of funds from the state government. 

“As you are aware, we are among the first state that concluded our assignments last year. But we have not been able to forward our report because we lacked funds to tidy them up. I mean fund that would enable the typing, printing and binding of the reports before submitting,” one of the panel member said.

Another member, who pleaded anonymity, said: “With this development, the dreams of petitioners from this state getting compensated, may turned out to be a mirage.”

Stressing how the panel members worked tirelessly round the clock to ensure the immediate completion of their assignments, they expressed sadness at the alleged inability of the government to reciprocate their efforts. 

Wondering why the government has not deemed it fit to come to the aid of the petitioners by ensuring they get compensated, the panel members also alleged that their sitting allowances were paid. 
One of the counsels to the victims, Barrister Joseph Simeon, underscored the need for the state government to wade in by providing fund to process the report for submission. 

It was gathered that about N509m was awarded to the 42 victims whose petitions were attended to by the Christopher Awubra-panel.


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