Taraba youth group worries over illegal weapons proliferation, substance abuse

The illegal arms factory

The Taraba Youths and Women Mobilization and Awareness Movement (TAYOWOMAM) voiced its concern over the rampant proliferation of illegal weapons and the adverse effects of substance abuse among youths in Taraba state and Nigeria at large.

During a summit titled ‘Campaign Against Crime and Drug Abuse’ held in Jalingo, Taraba state, the group’s President, Autan Zaki, stressed the urgent need to address the scourge of crime, illegal possession of weapons, and substance abuse in their communities.

They noted with alarm the growth of illegal weapons “in our midst and the devastating effects of substance abuse on our health and future prospects is growing on a daily basis.”

The group, who said that crime knows no boundaries and its consequences are felt far beyond its immediate victims, said, “We must acknowledge the harsh realities that confront us daily – the impact of crime on our families, the proliferation of illegal weapons in our midst, and the devastating effects of substance abuse on our health and future prospects.”

Calling for all hands to be on deck to tackle the menace, they agreed that “it is incumbent upon us to address the scourge of crime, illegal possession of weapons, and substance abuse that plague our communities.”

“Illicit activity erodes the fabric of our society, breeding fear, mistrust, and instability. As the youth of Taraba State, we must stand united against this menace, refusing to be complicit in its perpetuation.

“Illegal possession of weapons exacerbates the cycle of violence and poses a grave threat to our safety and security. We cannot turn a blind eye to the presence of firearms in our communities, nor can we tolerate their use as instruments of intimidation or coercion.

“It is imperative that we work in tandem with law enforcement agencies to stem the tide of illegal arms trafficking and ensure that our neighbourhoods remain safe havens for all,” the group said.


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