Teacher remanded for assaulting two-year-old girl in Lagos

A teacher, Eucharia Agu, has been arrested for allegedly assaulting a two-year-old girl, Cherish Ohamadike, at school.

The Guardian had reported on Monday, February 14, 2022 that the little girl was flogged 24-strokes of cane and left with bruises for her inability to pronounce letters S and I on Monday February 7, 2022 at Unic Vilos Montessori School, Maza Maza, Lagos.

The Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA), claimed it was informed of the alleged abuse on February 11, 2022.

It said the arrest followed investigation conducted by the joint team comprising the office of Education Quality Assurance, Department of School Social Work of the Ministry of Youth and Social Development and Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency.

It stated that the teacher failed to express remorse but rather boastfully stated that she would continue to physically assault the child. The teacher revealed she beat the toddler because the child was distracting the class.

DSVA said that as a result of the physical abuse, the toddler was referred to Amuwo Odofin General Hospital on Saturday February 12, 2022 and the case was reported at the Family Support Unit of Festac Police Station on Monday, February 14, 2022.

The offending teacher was arraigned before Ajegunle Magistrate Court, Sikiru Adagun Court House, on February 15, 2022.

“In view of this, we reiterate the State Government’s zero tolerance to all forms of child abuse whilst reassuring all Lagos state residents of the commitment of governor Sanwo-Olu’s administration in upholding the tenets of the safeguarding and Child Protection Executive Order,” said DSVA.

When The Guardian contacted the agency, it claimed it can’t disclose any information about the teacher. A lady, who simply identified herself as Suzan, said: “I am sorry, we can’t disclose anything, we can’t tell you where she was remanded.”


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