Tech-U offers automatic employment to 12 first class graduates

TechU, Ibadan
The Technical University (Tech-U), Ibadan, has offered all its 12 first-class graduates automatic employment, the institution’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ayobami Salami, disclosed, yesterday, during its maiden convocation. 

The colourful event saw many top-notch personalities rally around the school management and parents as the 63 students that Tech-U graduated stepped into the world. 

In his address laced with reminiscences, Salami said the university has confidence in the graduates it had produced. 

He said: “I am happy to announce that we have secured the support of our local and international partners to award scholarship to all of those that accept the offer, to enable them to have international exposure through Master’s degree training in the United States of America (USA), and split-site PhD degree programmes.” 

The VC noted that the last five years of the citadel had witnessed progress in all areas, in terms of infrastructure, starting with two buildings, but now has more than 16, with state-of-the-art equipment. 

These, he said, were fruits of Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) and interventions by the Tertiary Education Fund (TETFUND). 

Salami said: “In terms of infrastructural contribution, I hereby openly acknowledge the goodness of TETFund. Because it bought into our vision, mission and programmes as a technical university, TETFund enlisted Tech-U in 2018, just immediately after our take-off. Since the time, it has been funding facilities strategic to the functioning of a practice-based institution like ours.” 

He enjoined the graduands to be of good character apart from showing great learning.

“You are the first set, the first fruits of our labour and we are unveiling you today as our trailblazers. While I have no doubt that, by the grace of God you will excel in any sector and part of the world you may find yourself in, I enjoin you to realise that you carry the burden of history on your shoulders as Tech-U’s pioneer graduates. This places an enormous responsibility on you as our poster boys and girls. You have been academically, morally, socially and spiritually equipped to be the university’s great ambassadors. 

“You should, therefore, let excellence and good character be your watchword.  With honesty, resourcefulness, hard work and creativity, you will win the world. Please note that academic education or a university degree must be backed with high moral standing. Nowadays, the employer or a business partner, as well as clients, place a premium on the right attitude.

“A certificate without the right attitude is, indeed, not worthier than an empty paper. As you thus boldly walk into the proverbial world, you should not just raise your heads high, but you should also ensure your shoulders are kept within the realm of a great moral culture,” he said. 

While the programme attracted prominent people from different parts of the world and beyond, the university conferred honorary doctoral awards on five eminent Nigerians. 

They are Chief Tunde J Afolabi, Chairman of AMNI Petroleum and the university’s chancellor; Chief Adebayo Akande, Splash FM Chairman; Chief Amal Pepple – elder stateswoman and accomplished administrator; Professor Toyin Falola – erudite professor of History; and Mr Segun Agbaje, Guaranty Trust Bank Managing Director. 

Afolabi advised the graduands to assert themselves educationally and morally.

“I want to reiterate that the import of the story of the beginning of your citadel where you are graduating from today is that things happen first through the idea and are concretised when you focus and implement. The reality of the new world into which you are graduating is that it is extremely competitive and somewhat brutal.

“You win laurels and defeat the monster with ideas – good ideas about what you really want out of life! If I hazard a guess, it will include but not be limited to comfort, recognition, adding value, making a difference, developing spiritually and aspiring to make heaven.”


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