TEETH 4 TEETH … With Justin Akpovi-Esade

When Prankster Turned ‘Crime Detective’
T4T was watching a rather surreal prank video by Richdim TV recently. It is not the regular over flogged pranks that have flooded the Internet space. 
It began with a middle aged woman dragging a bag popularly called ‘Ghana Must Go’ to the back of a house at a very ungodly hour of the night. In her other hand was a shovel.

The video was discreetly made by a neighbour as revealed by Richdim TV in the morning when the prankster and his crew, posing as detectives, came to ask the woman some questions about her husband who she claimed had left her some couple of months ago. The questioning came to the whereabouts of a little boy (son of the estranged husband from another woman) living with her. And the now ruffled woman could not also answer the question why she was dragging a bag and holding a shovel late last night. 

The woman, after much pressure, led the team of ‘detectives’ to the back of the house where she buried alive, the son of her husband who abandoned her. The boy was already dead when he was dug out. 

And that was when the prankster should have called in the police instead of muddling up the crime scene by making the woman carry the corpse and all that. Perhaps, his focus at that point was to make his content richer for his followers online. 

Is the video real? T4T believes it is, but not filmmaker, Tony Abulu who had a spat with singer Edmund Spice on Facebook when Spice posted the video. Abulu claimed the video was scripted, Spice disagreed. But T4T is yet to get an update from the Police and Richdim TV.

We are talking about an alleged murder here for God’s sake and if the plot was scripted, the little boy looking stone cold dead would have risen at the end of the video, beaming with smiles into the camera, but no, he looked and remained very dead!

You Need To Rob Bank To Feature Zazzu In Your Song!
RECENTLY, controversial Afro Pop singer, Portable aka Zazzu cried out that Cinematographer, TG Omori wants him to perform a money ritual to enable him afford the fee of about N55 million for the music video for his new song, but few days after, this same artiste in an interview revealed he charges five million for shows, features and even cameo appearances among others. 

“If you call me for featuring, N5 million. If you wan do video, N5 million. You wan do show, N5 million upwards. Everything N5 million. If you wan do interview, N5 million. Anybody N5 million,” Zazzu said.

T4T is wondering aloud who will pay Zazzu five million to show his very ‘handsome’ face in a musical video and or come and sing those his ‘rarara’ songs? 
Nor be only five million! 

This Yoruba Actress Needs English Language Lessons
ACTRESS Iyabo Ojo is one of T4T’s favourite Yoruba movie stars. And the fact that she is a south paw endears her more to T4T who has a kid who is south paw too. That said, aunty Iyabo is in dire need of an English language teacher that will be coaching her privately at home. Her written English is very poor. T4T have not had the opportunity to hear her speak English, probably because she acts Yoruba movies, so he is not in a position to rate her on that. 

T4T as usual took a peek at her Facebook page and saw her post declaring support for a presidential candidate in Nigeria’s oncoming election. For reasons you already know, the candidate’s name will not be mentioned here, but kindly read through the excerpts of aunty Iyabo’s post and while at it, please note the ‘missiles’ T4T marked out. He could not go to the next paragraph because the missiles were advancing more like North Korea’s WMDs. Happy reading:

“I do not understand why some people on social media ‘has’ ‘resulted’ to insulting other people who are not in support of their political candidate, its a democracy & everyone is entitled to support ‘who so ever’ they wish to support, if you don’t like their choice fine vote your choice, one thing you must understand is ‘this’ politicians are friends behind ‘close’ doors & they or their children will never ‘loss’ a sweat nor blood becos of you…”

Aunty Iyabo obviously have not heard of punctuation marks all her life or she deliberately does not want to use them (in the right places) in whatever she writes. 
In all, to God be the glory!


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