Teething Headaches In Pets

teething headaches of petTHE usual complaint is “my pet is not eating very well” or  “he shies away from food these days, rather, he chews and gnaws on my sofa and slippers; he’s been destroying everything on site with his teeth! Doc, what can I possibly do?

Of course, when such complaints are placed, they usually come from puppy owners whose critters are undergoing the process of teething. This comes with the exchange of what is usually called the milk teeth in man (deciduous teeth) to the adult ones, which usually comes between the ages of three months to six months in puppies.

At this time, the feeding pattern of the puppies becomes highly irregular; the pet now has affinity for other things than its food. The teething process kind of itches and anything to relieve the sensation will just be fine for the puppy. This is the reason owners notice the less interest in food.

I have always advised that owners should not panic when their pets put up this performance. It is perfectly normal and should happen. It is basically what happens to human babies and anyone who has gone through the process of parenthood will be familiar with signs associated with teething in babies.
However, no matter how normal this process may seem, I am sure you do not want to sacrifice your favourite belongings.

You must be prepared for the eventuality and should be well equipped to tackle the problem headlong.

Any of the under listed measures should help.
I.  Clear your environment of temptation.
Remove from your surroundings any item that can tempt your pet into chewing or gnawing. Pets are very curious, so make sure your electrical cables are taped or you do not even allow access to such materials. A teething puppy is a desperate puppy that would make mince meat of your favourite slippers, sofa or any article he feels will help relieve the teething sensation.

II.  What about chewing toys?
In place of your favorite useable items in the house, you can invest in chew-toys for your pet. It is almost certain that your pet must chew, so why not prepare adequately for him to know exactly what is definitely okay for him to teeth on?

III.  Make them taste good
A lot of animal behaviourists have suggested that you make the chewing experience mouth- watering. They have suggested that such chews be soaked in broth or have them coated with peanut butter or perhaps rub your hands on the chews to have scent on them. These measures they suggest will make the chews more appealing to thepets.

IV. Help him Learn and don’t hold a grudge.
If your pet is caught teething on items he should not have; promptly correct him and then hand over a chew. As soon as he starts to chew on that, be lavish with your praise for him to know your preference. If on the other hand, you did not catch him red handed, but found your sofa already tampered with, yelling at him at this time is useless; because he cannot associate your yelling with his action; wait until the right time to correct him.

V.  Playtime please!
Dedicate some playtime with your pet- it is always good to create a bond with him. It has been established that pets that are given abundant attention are less likely to chew. This is because exercise is likely to help tire them out and make them content.

VI.  Allow ice do the job
It has also been suggested that ice helps reduce the teething sensation; therefore, you are advised to give your teething pets ice cubes, which seem to help them feel better. VII.  Massage, massage and massage
Massaging your pet’s mouth and gums will definitely help ease out the teething sensation. It is usually a very simple measure: using fingertips in a back and forth motion along his upper and lower gums utilizing very light pressure will definitely help sooth the ouches of teething.

So, when next you see a puppy in a teething situation, play the doctor by applying any of the combination of the prescribed measures

