Telecom employees perform volunteering activities, execute projects

1 week ago
1 min read
MTN Group
MTN Nigeria

MTN Nigeria has announced the 17th edition of its flagship employee volunteer initiative, Y’ello Care, where staffs have the unique opportunity to contribute their resources – time, money and more – towards worthy causes.

Themed “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow”, this year’s edition, which will be for 30 days in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of MTN Group, aims to address educational disparities in underserved rural and remote communities.
“Y’ello Care is about the MTN ecosystem giving back and contributing their time, money, and resources to make a positive impact. This year, we’re focusing on education in remote areas, supporting three projects that will provide access to quality education for young Nigerians,” said Chief Corporate Services & Sustainability Officer, MTN Nigeria, Tobe Okigbo.

During the opening ceremony, which held at the headquarters, MTN revealed that in 30 days, MTN staff will come together using their resources to rebuild classroom for 996 students at Iwerekun Community High School, Lakowe, Lagos. “Our first key project is a school. We’ve visited the school; we’ll rebuild a classroom ourselves as MTN staff and we will support two other projects. Our target is towards providing education for the youth of this country,” Okigbo added. This effort seeks to bridge the educational divide and empower young people to reach their full potential.

In addition, MTNers will be supporting the KNOSK Charity Education Initiative (Study Better Packs) and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC)’s Safe School Initiative spearheaded by the National Safe School Response Coordination Centre.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” Nelson Mandela famously said. MTN Nigeria firmly believes in this transformative power and is committed to providing access to quality education for all, regardless of location or circumstance. The company recognizes that education is not just about textbooks and classrooms; it’s about unlocking potential, nurturing dreams, and empowering individuals to shape their own futures.

This commitment is particularly crucial in Africa, where educational disparities continue to hinder progress.

The 30-day project, which kicked off on June 1, will unite thousands of MTN employees in a shared mission to make a lasting impact on educational access and quality.


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