Ten Tips For Perfect Beards

Taking care of a beard involves more than just letting it grow. How do you keep perfect beards?

Proper grooming and maintenance can keep your beard healthy, soft, and lush. Here are ten (10) beauty tips for perfect beard care:

1. Regular washing and shampooing

Use a gentle beard shampoo or a mild, sulphate-free shampoo for your beads.

Man with beards. Photo credit- PinterestTara

Avoid regular hair shampoos as they can strip the beard of its natural oils.

Wash your beard 2-3 times a week to prevent dryness. Overwashing can lead to a dry, brittle beard so try and avoid too much wash. Most men want perfect beards anyways.

2. Use conditioning lotion

Use a beard conditioner or a deep conditioning treatment to keep the beard soft and hydrated.

This helps to prevent tangles and breakage. Apply a leave-in conditioner or beard balm for added moisture.

READ ALSO: Beard Care: Is Beard Butter the Real Deal?

3. Use beard oil

Apply beard oil daily to keep the beard and the skin underneath moisturised. This helps prevent itching and flakiness.

To do this, use a few drops of beard oil and massage it into the beard and skin.

Adjust the amount based on beard length and thickness.

4. Use beard balm for styling

Beard balm helps with styling and gives the beard a fuller appearance.

It also provides additional moisture and protection. For a great effect, take a small amount of balm into your palms and work it through the beard for that classy and lush look.

5. Do proper trimming

Regular and proper trimming of your beard keeps it in good shape and removes split ends.

Prioritise a good quality trimmer or scissors. Choose a professional barber for proper trims every week.

6. Use beard brush and Combs

Use a boar bristle brush to distribute natural oils, exfoliate the skin, and keep the beard looking neat and ‘manly.’

A wide-toothed beard comb helps detangle and style the beard without causing breakage and pain.

7. Prioritise good diet and fluid

Eat healthy diets rich in vitamins and minerals to promote beard growth and health.

Ensure you’re getting enough vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as biotin and omega-3 fatty acids.

Drink lots of water to keep your skin and beard hydrated from the inside out.

8. Practise a healthy lifestyle

Regular exercise can improve blood circulation, leading to healthy beard growth so it should be prioritised.

Also, ensure you get adequate sleep to support overall health and beard growth. Don’t let your ‘baby girl’ keep you awake all night.

9. Avoiding damage

Avoid excessive heat styling. If you use a blow dryer, use it on a low heat setting and apply a heat protectant.

Too much heat will damage your beard.
Additionally, do proper investigation before getting any product from vendors as harsh chemical products can damage the beard.

Opt for natural and organic products whenever possible.

10. Kick scariness away

Don’t be afraid to try different beard styles to find what suits your face shape and personal style best.

While at it, be patient as perfectly groomed beards require time and consistency.

Stick to your grooming routine and give your beard the care it needs to flourish.


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.