‘Terrorist’ killed in Kyrgyzstan in post-jailbreak operation: police

jail2Security services in Kyrgyzstan said Friday they killed a “terrorist” involved in a jailbreak that left four prison guards dead.

Police said Daniyar Kadyraliev, a convicted terrorist and a reported member of the banned Jaishul-Mahdi Islamist extremist group, was shot dead in a suburb of the capital Bishkek on Friday morning when he resisted arrest.

A special forces operation seeking the capture of Kadyraliev and three other escapees has seen searches of a botanical garden in the city centre as well as residential neighbourhoods surrounding Central Asia’s largest bazaar.

Kadyraliev was serving a life sentence for attempted murder and other terror-related crimes when he broke out of a jail close to the capital early Monday and clashed with guards.

Three prison guards were killed by the inmates during the escape, with the death of a fourth officer in intensive care reported Friday.

A total of nine prisoners escaped but five of them were quickly recaptured by security services.

Kyrgyzstan, a fragile and impoverished former Soviet nation of six million people, suffered a bloody popular uprising and ethnic violence in 2010 that claimed over 500 lives.

