Terrorists storm Birnin Gwari communities, kill security operatives

Image for illustration purposes only, depicting gunmen.

Terrorists, in their hundreds, stormed two communities in Birnin Gwari and killed scores of security personnel, comprising civil defence, police, soldiers and members of the vigilante at a checkpoint on Sunday.

A resident of the area, Abubakar Kakangi, told journalists, yesterday, the affected communities are Kubau and Unguwan Zakara villages.

According to Kakangi, the villagers have reached an agreement with the bandits to allow the locals to farm.

However, the bandits, he said, usually passed through the villages to sell stolen cows, which the security operatives are not happy about.

“Three weeks ago, the security operatives killed a boy, who was looking after their cattle. The bandits were not happy over the murder of the local boy,” he declared.

“Thus, yesterday (Sunday), the bandits stormed Aka security checkpoint along Birnin-Gwari to Kakangi/Randagi road of the Western part of Birnin-Gwari Council

“The attack took place around 2:00 p.m. The bandits divided themselves into two groups and carried out the attack simultaneously at the two villages where they killed scores of security personnel including the Civil Defence Corps, police, vigilante and soldiers,” Kakangi revealed.

At the time of filing this report, there was no statement from the police, other security agencies or the state government.

Meanwhile, sources said the civil defence personnel that were victims of the attack were ambushed while escorting an expatriate to a mining site.

He said: “I gathered that eight of them were assigned to provide security for the expatriate. One person who survived the attack was critically injured.

“Both the injured person and the corpses of the dead were brought to Barau Dikko. No information was provided on the expatriate.”

However, when contacted, the Spokesman of the Kaduna command of Civil Defence declined to make comments, saying: “A statement would be issued tomorrow.”

The spokesman for the Kaduna Police Command, DSP Muhammed Jalige, could not respond to telephone calls put across to him for his comments on the attack and killings of security operatives.


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