Testimony: After 10 years of chain-smoking, sister Ngozi turns a new leaf

Beneficiaries of God’s mercy waiting to testify the goodness of God after receiving their healing at the headquarters of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in Ijesha, Lagos…recently

My name is Sister Ngozi Ndukamma. I want to share the testimony of my salvation so that others will turn a new leaf through it. I was before now a captive or a slave to sin, serving and obeying the dictates of an evil heart and the promptings of an evil nature.

But the Scripture says: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” (Jn 8: 32). This means that the knowledge of God’s word makes one free from the slavery of evil passions, corrupt propensities, and grovelling views.

I became a smoker five years before I ventured into beer business and graduated into a chain smoker, as soon as the beer business started. I could smoke three packets of cigarettes a day. But one fateful day, a woman who lived on the street where I had the beer business invited me to their church.

When I asked to know the name of her church, she told me, “The Lord’s Chosen.” Meanwhile, at that time, I was attending a particular church in Sango-Otta. The sister said God specifically sent her to invite me to The Lord’s Chosen. I did not believe her and as such, turned down the invitation.

However, she was undaunted, as she kept coming daily to the beer parlour to preach to me. On a particular visit, she made a statement to the effect that she would not leave me until she took me to The Lord’s Chosen. I asked her why, and she said she was sent by God and left. But as soon as she left, I became restless and was seriously disturbed. At that time, I did not have a single dress. I was always in trousers. So, I told her that since the Lord’s Chosen members do not wear trousers, I would not be comfortable in their midst.

The woman said if I came to The Lord’s Chosen, I would see what God would do for me. I asked her if I could come in a pair of trousers since I had no gown, she said yes that God would still do His work on me. So, I promised that I would be at their programme.

After closing for the day, I still went home as usual with three packets of cigarette. Before then, she had directed me to where I would board their free Church bus. But as I did not wake up on time, I thought the church bus must have gone, so, I resolved to seek alternative means, as I was determined to be in that Church that day. That also afforded me the opportunity to go to my sister to borrow a dress for the service. Before my sister gave me her gown, she asked where I was going with the gown because she had been telling me to wear dresses, but I always insisted on wearing trousers. I told her that a Chosen sister had invited me to her church. My sister raised her hands and began to praise God on my behalf because I had been putting on trousers from youth. Fortunately, as I got to the bus stop, I saw one of the buses of The Lord’s Chosen conveying people to the Church and joined them.

We got to the Church, and when the Pastor was preaching, he made a prophetic utterance and said: “That woman who is into chain-smoking that came here for the first time, I command that yoke of chain-smoking to break in Jesus’ name” and immediately, I felt something left my body. Then my whole body started shaking uncontrollably from my head to my toe. Continuing his ministration and referring to the Book of Deuteronomy 22:5, which says: “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.” The Pastor said those women wearing trousers should know that they are into sin and are abomination unto the Lord.

Frankly, I had been hearing the word of God, but none had touched me like that. Suddenly, I felt convicted and became remorseful for all my sins. The Pastor did not stop at that, he continued mentioning other sins by their names: fornication, adultery, smoking, abortion, lying, hatred, fraud, murder, having two spouses and idolatry, among others, and urging those involved to repent and give their lives to Christ, so that, it shall be well with them. At the end of the ministration, the Pastor prayed for us, and it was like a big load was lifted off me. From that moment, I gave my life to Christ and renounced my evil ways.

Today, I am a new person and by God’s grace, will never return to anything sinful.

Indeed, the God that saves one from sin is the true God. I have discovered the true God. He broke the yoke of 10 years of smoking in my life. Even in the village, they know I was into smoking, because whenever I wanted to smoke, I would hide. However, when I came out, they would still know that I had gone to smoke. I did not believe that smoking is a sin, but now I know better. Now, the yoke is broken. Moreover, the God of Chosen has changed my business. I am very happy to be a Chosen. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!


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