Testimony of the Lord’s doing: Child sold ay ‘a fake pastor’ recovered (2)

Brother Peju (second left) who has been on life-support machine for six months as a result of kidney problems testifies how God healed him at the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries’ headquarters church at Ijesha, Lagos
Child Sold By ‘A Fake Pastor’ Recovered (2)

My mom contacted her Regional Pastor who in turn called me to say that my son would be found. In the morning of the following day, the fake pastor called me to say that the kidnappers have allowed him to leave their den to look for money, while my son remained with them until the ransom was paid.

He, however, warned that I should keep all the discussions between him and me secret, and I should also stay away from the police.

Worried, I hired a commercial cyclist (Okada) to take me to Osisioma Junction, but on the way I requested that the rider should take me to any nearby police station after explaining my situation to him. He did just that, saying my son has been sold. The police also confirmed this.

However, the policewoman on duty assured me that the police will get to the root of the matter and get back my son for me. With this assurance, I began to call the fake pastor to know where they were so that the police could apprehend them. Initially, he was not picking my calls, but when he did, I told him I was at Osisioma Junction. I assured him that I came alone and he directed that I should come over to the flyover. At this time, I was with some plain-clothed police officers, so, I disclosed the information to them and we did as he had instructed. It was at this spot that he was caught and taken to the police station where he disclosed to the DPO that he sold my son for N650,000.

The police authorities ordered the fake pastor to tell the buyers that the boy is no longer for sale, but one of the middlemen said this would not be possible as she was already on her way to Anambra to deliver the boy to the couple that needs him. After this, she stopped picking my calls or any other person’s own.

The police then detained the fake pastor, while working out ways to get other culprits. Restless, I began to listen to some of the recorded messages and prayers of our G.O. I listened to a particular one titled, ‘Dominion Over The Mighty,’ in which G.O said anyone that is missing within three days will be found. I claimed it and pledged some money. I told God that the pledge was a seed and that He should bring back my son to me. I said, if He does it, I will continue to serve Him in the. Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry, forever

The next day — Friday, I woke up at about 4a.m. to pray, but there was this urge in me to first sing, so, I started singing the song titled: “Dominion Over The Mighty.” Not long after this, the police officer in charge of the case called to inform me that the agent that sold my child said she is returning my son to me.

According to her, the agent said that the child has been disturbing her and that she is fed up with him and will return him to his mother. At about 9pm, the police officer called again to tell me that the woman would drop my son at the expressway and that I should be there to pick him up.

At about 10pm, she called again to inform me that the lady has finally dropped the boy and that the police have detailed three policemen to pick him.

Brethren that was how God recovered my boy for me. God of Chosen is a great God; may His name be glorified in Jesus’ name. I pray for the G.O., his family and members all over the world.


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