Testimony Of The Lord’s Doing: Healed from afflictions, dead child revived, evil landlord died 

I am Sister Glorious Obiageri Madu. Sometime ago, I fell sick and was taken to the hospital, but the first hospital I went to, could not do anything to save my life. I was then transferred to Navy hospital. On getting to the clinic, the doctors did their best, but the problem continued and I was dying gradually.

On my request, I was brought to the church in one of the services. This time, I had become paralysed to the extent that I could no longer walk. I was in a wheelchair in the car park at the back of the bookshop. As God would have it, I saw one of the G.O.’s sons. He saw my condition and he drove me straight to the General Overseer. The G.O prayed for me. In his prayer ministration, he commanded the afflictions to go back to the sender. I was happy and I was able to stand.

Three days later, I was in a dream and seven men came to me and restored all they had spiritually taken from my body. It was after this dream I became healed. From that day, I started walking and going about my business. Praise the Lord. Our God is great.

In a related development, God delivered my family and the other tenants from an evil landlord. It happened that I paid for a new accommodation in a particular compound. When we were about to pack in, a sister from another ministry called and advised I get back my money from whosoever I paid my rent to. According to her, no tenant lives in the house for more than a year. She said the landlord normally exchanges the glory of the tenants with his. I told the sister it is in that kind of compound I would like to live to enable me prove the power of the God of Chosen. Praise the Lord!

Few weeks later, we packed into the house. Few months after we packed into the compound one of children in the compound died. My husband brought out the Lord’s Chosen apron and put it on the child and the boy was not revived. I went into the house and started praying. In the course of my prayers, ministrations came that I should carry the dead child to the frontage of the landlord’s apartment and pray. I did as directed and the child came back to life.

Few days later, the landlord became sick. He was taken to his witch doctor that prepared his charms and concoctions.

Another day I was in the office, preparing to come home after the close of work, a ministration came to my mind that I should wait for some hours before going home. While I was waiting, the woman whose child was raised from dead called me to say the landlord’s family was in dire need to see me. According to them, the witch doctor said it is only the Lord’s Chosen member in his house who can pray for him and he will recover from his sickness and live again. I told them to carry him to the Lord’s Chosen for the pastors and prayer team to pray for him, but they refused and the man died. Praise the Lord!

After the death of the landlord, people can now live in the compound without fear of death. The woman whose child was restored to life bought a newspaper that published our Pastor’s message. She brought it home and some people were making a joke of the picture. Her husband and I cautioned her and she apologised, however, a few weeks later, she ran mad. When her family members were taking her to the village, she died.

I am grateful to God for His intervention and proving His power in our situation. The landlady packed out of the house also. I now occupy the place with my family. I am grateful to God for His intervention in saving the lives of the tenants in that compound. May the name of the Lord be glorified. 



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