TETFund denies discriminating against any institution


The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) has denied discriminating against any tertiary institutions in the country in the disbursement of its intervention funds

Executive Secretary of TETFund, Professor Suleiman Elias Bogoro, made the disclosure in Abuja when the Niger State Governor, Abubakar Sani Bello, paid him a courtesy visit in his office in Abuja.

Bogoro who was responding to the concerns raised by the governor about the seeming discrimination against tertiary institutions in the state, said TETFund projects are only executed in institutions that meet the requirements set before them by the body.

He said, “There are some requirements that some of the institutions did not meet and that made them to lag behind in our intervention projects. Honestly, we thank you that you were able to understand the basis for the disparity and that there are operational requirements that are to be met.”

Bogoro expressed appreciation to the governor for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit TETFund, adding that some institutions in the state like the Federal University of Technology, Minna, have benefited massively from the fund’s interventions.

Earlier, the governor, who had expressed concern that Bayero University, Kano, had more TETFund projects than all the tertiary institutions in his state, commended the management of TETFund for its accountability and transparency.

The governor expressed his determination to ensure that all tertiary institutions in the state met the stipulated requirements of TETFund, so that they can benefit like other schools.

