Textiles workers urge President to save economy, end hardship

Textile workers, under the umbrella of National Union of Textiles, Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN), have urged President Bola Tinubu to save the nation from collapse by reversing the economic policies that have affected Nigerians negatively.

President of NUTGTWN, John Adaji, lamented that the present state of the country “demands a rethink of the fuel subsidy removal”, which had thrown Nigeria’s economy into disarray.

He charged Tinubu to be courageous in reversing the policy and save millions of Nigerians from poverty, hardship, hunger and anger.

Adaji, while laying foundation for the Textiles Unions Guest House and Training Centre, in Kaduna, at the weekend, said the policies of the present administration negatively affected the economy, particularly the textiles and other industries.

He said: “We have policies that have been designed by good Nigerians, but the problem we have is the will of the government to execute some of the policies.”

In his opening remarks, Secretary General of the union, Baba Ali, said the union decided to embark on the construction of the Guest House and Training Centre, for a befitting legacy for the members despite the economic crunch in the country.


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