The African e-commerce market potential still largely untapped

eCommerece-CopyMrs Erica Ayenuro, a Business Consultant, on Saturday that the potential of African e-commerce market was still largely untapped.

Ayenuro made the assertion in Lagos during the Konga Seller Summit 2015 entitled: “The New Market Place : Tapping into the Ecosystem’’.

In a speech titled: “The Evolution of Customer Service in the Retail Industry’’, Ayenuro said that the focus of the retail market should be customer satisfaction.

The business consultant said that the world market had moved online already and Africa’s online shopping growth was expected to skyrocket in the nearest future.

“More and more Internet users prefer to buy online for convenience and comfort. Online shopping is still less than 2 per cent of total African retail sales,’’ Ayenuro said.

She said that most African products and services were not yet visible to the outside world.

According to her, Nigeria is the recent rising star in the market place and businessmen should leverage on the country’s population for business growth.

Ayenuro said that customer service involved series of activities designed to enhance customers’ satisfaction.

“Customer satisfaction is influenced by our attitudes and mindset principles,’’ Ayenuro said.

The business consultant said that feedback was central to meeting customer satisfaction.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Konga Seller Summit 2015 is a capacity building summit to assist Konga’s customers on the best way to make money through its online platform.

Sellers at the summit expressed their gratitude to Konga for giving them the opportunity to excel through their e-commerce platform.



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