The apogee of immorality

science labSIR: Whereas the United States of America has positively been known to be a record breaker in virtually all spheres of human enterprise (education, Christian religion, hard work, business, sports and games, etc.), she has, by the recent landmark judgment of her Supreme Court that legalized same sex marriage by five votes in favour and four against, astonished the entire world and lost all moral rectitude. Was it not as a result of her legendary developmental achievements that she earned the sobriquet “God’s own country”?

How can a country of immense stature so brazenly turn anti-God all in the name of enforcing the individual American’s freedom of choice under the First Amendment? Does individual freedom not connote decency and some degree of responsible behaviour?
Let us have recourse to the Holy Bible, “the Constitution of Christianity” (Dr. Billy Graham), “the Book for all Seasons”, the reference point for all human behaviour in virtually all human societies, to judge this American affront on God’s time-honoured injunctions: “… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…” (Genesis 1: 27-28); Before the flood, God said unto Noah: “… And of every living thing of every flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

The multi-million dollar question these depraved and perversed species of mankind have to answer is if they are so averse to marriage being a union between a male and a female, why do they unashamedly adopt children procreated by male/female couples? Why don’t they produce their own children from their same sex marriages? Such adoptions constitute mortal sins. One can sympathise with childless male/female couples who decide on adoptions.

The time has come for the United States of America to lead by positive examples of propriety.

•Adams Gbenoba,(



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