The Art Of Apologising

Therefore, our best bet is to apologise as soon as possible after the offence and when the receiver of the apology is in the right disposition to welcome the apology.


An apology is a good policy in human relations because it transforms hatred to friendship. The persons involved become friends after the quarrel. J. Emerson said: “No sensible person ever makes an apology”. F. Holories averred that: “Apology is only egotism wrong side out”. Both ideas are cynical and misleading. Every apology does more good than harm.

For an apology to be successful, it should be deliberate, lucid and transparently sincere: “I submit that I am wrong and I am sorry.” Surprisingly, the receiver may react: “I appreciate your apology. I also share the blame for the occasion”. It does not matter whether or not such modesty occurs. What is important is that the apology is accepted.

A casual apology does not serve any useful purpose. We should also not ask anybody else to make an apology on our behalf. An apology makes us more human. It enables us step down from an high pedestal and reconcile with others.

