The Beautiful Faces By Make Up Surgeon Anita Brows Adetoye

Adetola Anita Adetoye, creative director of Anita Brows Beauty, likes glamming up ladies from different walks of life. She informs;

I’ve always been experimenting with makeup from my final years in secondary school. I remember my mum buying me a makeup set that had everything from lipstick to eye shadow to blush, powder and highlight. I would practice on my sister, my aunties and friends with no intention of doing it professionally. I brushed off my skills on Youtube and posted pictures on my social network pages with no intention of getting into the business. After a while people would call to ask how much I charge to do their makeup professionally. I would say my passion and not the money motivated me.”

The lady, who grew up in Ireland, studied journalism at Ballyfermont College, in Dublin; media production at Lewisham College, London, and marketing in Dublin Business School, says;

“No, I did not do any professional makeup training. I’m self-taught. I’ve study pictures and videos, and also keep up with trend. This is how I’ve been able to enhance my skill these past years. I’ve been doing makeup professionally in Nigeria for two years, but in total, six years.”

Toke Makinwa

Adetoye adds, “I work on brides, for television commercials, private clients, photo shoot, the list goes on. I’ve worked on personalities such as, Stephanie Coker, Toke Makinwa, Tonto Dikeh, Bella Adenuga and list goes on. I always try to make my client as relaxed as possible with me. It takes a lot of trust to allow someone do your makeup on a special occasion. My clients are very important to me, so, I do everything I can to make them comfortable. Celebrities and private individuals are equally important and held in high esteem.
Before applying makeup on her client, she considers, “their skin tone, type and face shape. I try not to make all of my clients look the same.”

Juliet Ibrahim

She continues;

I try to make my clients look like a better version of themselves and not a different person, entirely. It is constantly said that less is more and I believe in that, majorly. My company slogan is ‘Beauty Knows No Bound’, that said, while in the process of makeup, I’m sure to make my client know that they are already beautiful and not wait till after the makeup to tell them how beautiful they look.

Adetola says that she faces a number of challenges, but the one that strikes her the most is, people wanting to look like edited images they have pulled from the Internet.

Lola OJ

“The Internet image is now filled with so many filters. So, I try to lecture on spotting the difference between edited images and non-edited ones. The makeup industry is growing rapidly, no doubt. We have so many talented individuals now. It’s amazing how things have changed over the past two years that I’ve been in Nigeria.”

Adetola’s tips on how to apply eye shadow
• Apply an eye shadow primer, before the eye shadow. It gives your eye shadow something to stick to and allows the colours to pop and last all day.
• Apply your eye shadow before applying makeup on your skin to avoid fall out on your already made-up face.
• When creating a gradient effect, it always works if the darker tones are on the outer corners and lighter tones as you get to the inner corner of your eyelid.

Toke Makinwa

There you go ladies. Make sure you look fabulous today.

