The call to holiness


Holiness is the nature of God, and as such expected of believers. The Devil has deceived man to believe that holiness is synonymous to poverty and wretchedness. This is false and a deceit of the devil. This is the reason many do not bother to seek for this original nature of man that will make them be like God. But if man can seek and retain holiness, no demon and powers will dare him by all standards.

Holiness is power. In holiness, there is fullness of joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, wealth, among others. Holiness is a call for all men. The call to holiness is aimed at restoring man to his original nature and status in life.

Unfortunately, man does not understand the benefits of holiness and what he stands to enjoy by living a holy life. Holiness bequeaths to man beauty of life. It is holiness that gives man a place in the heart of God. This is because holiness is the image of God. Little wonder God prefers man above all creatures!

The man being considered in this discourse is a regenerated man who has obtained the image of God by redemption. He is born again and lives a new life in Christ Jesus. On the other hand, a sinner does not possess the image of God; he lost it in sin and automatically assumed the nature of Lucifer.

As soon as man loses holiness, he steps into poverty and wears the garment of shame. The lost of holiness, takes man to a far country, where he loses his destiny and all that heaven has in store for him. The absence of holiness in the life of a man reduces him to a ridiculous and debased state, where he eats and dines with swine. He becomes orphan and destitute of good things of the Lord.

If man will respond to the call to holiness, he will regain all his losses and becomes so dear to the heart of God. The Lord extends the invitation of holiness to man because he desires to have everlasting fellowship with him. Holiness is a call to service, which man was originally created for. It is the answer to the problems of humanity and predicament. Holiness gives a man confidence and wall of defense. A man that dwells in holiness is a threat to the devil and the dark world. When a man is scripturally holy, he is placed higher than all and cannot be touched by evil people.

Regrettably, the number of holy people in the world over, are very few because it is a high place for the few! A holy man does not fear death or sudden news because his heart is fixed on God. All that the devil needs to take away holiness from man is just a little lies or anger. These vices are very destructive in the life of a Christian and can wreck his voyage to eternity. A believer must stoop to conquer when it comes to preservation of holiness. It is better to be a fool in the sight of the world to preserve holiness. A holy man bridles his tongue. During conversation, he is careful with his words; He listens more than speaking.
Holiness is attainable. Seek for it today and you will have it.

• Further reading: John 8:44; 1 Pt. 1:15-16; Gen. 3:9-11; Luke 15:24; Matt. 4:8.
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