The danger of sexual immorality

Text: Proverbs 6: 20-29, 32

The topic under discourse today is very important, considering the havoc it has wreaked in many lives, and the present and eternal consequences inherent therein. It is so serious that many souls have gone to hell through that pernicious path unprepared. In fact, the scripture considers a man or woman who commits immorality as a foolish person because of the aftermath implications. Whoever commits adultery/fornication joins himself in infinity with the individual spiritually. At that point, destiny is stolen and destroyed without the knowledge of the sinful partners.

The reason why there is misbehaviour and hardship in the lives of people who live in immorality is because of the spiritual transaction that takes place on the bed of immorality. Whatever evil happens in the life of a sinful partner is automatically transferred. Many have sold their birthright at the altar of sexual immorality. Such persons end up with sufferings, strange occurrences, curses, woes, and myriads of evils.

Precious visions, destinies and dreams are wasted in immorality. Some married men and women have brought unprecedented curses and problems upon their families, occasioned by the sin of adultery. The world of the youth is polluted today and overtaken by the sin of fornication. This is the shortest way devised by the devil to take young ones to hell untimely. There is no gain in immorality! It hurts! The sting of pains that accompanies it is indescribable.

Whoever commits immorality has no life in him. And any church of Christ that professes holiness must not associate or condone members that live in immorality. The reason is obvious: the sin of immorality spreads; it is contagious and cancerous. It spreads like leprosy, hence, the Church should frown and condemn it in its entirety. Nothing justifies such sins. And anybody who has an understanding of the scriptures and loves God should not entertain such debased lifestyle.

There is no gainsaying the fact that those who commit immorality lack understanding. Whoever does it destroys his own soul and he can never be innocent, neither can his sorrow and shame be wiped away. This is a lot of those who defile themselves with the sin of sexual immorality. A man that sleeps with another man’s wife destroys his own soul. A dart of judgment is already pierced into the soul of such a man.

Sex is only permitted between a husband and wife and not singles. On the other hand, married couples should not have sex outside the matrimonial home. Sexual immorality is one of the dangerous sins that saps energy and makes a mess of one’s spiritual life. Samson had a bitter experience that no wise believer would like to go through. He lost his power, vision, heavenly assignment, destiny and ministry on the lap of a harlot, Delilah. He did not live to tell the story.

Many careless souls are today grinding in the prison house like Samson because of immorality, while some are already entangled in it and find it very difficult to break loose. They are under the yoke and live as slaves.

Youths should be wary of bad friends. Their influence could be destructive. Jonadab was a bad influence on Amnon. He influenced and advised him to sleep with his sister, Tema. Amnon had a brief moment of pleasure but died afterwards. He paid with his blood. This is the resultant effect of immorality. Avoid it today with passion!

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