The Daunting Battle Against Suicide Bombers

Gen.Tukur-BurataiThe spate of bombings in some places across the country has raised question on the capability of the Nigerian military to rout the insurgents, and how best it could be done.

Recently, there have been bomb explosions in Kuje, Nyanya in Abuja, Okene town in Kogi State and Ajilari, Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State. So troubling is the fact that this is happening at a time the military is claiming to be having upper hand in the battle against the insurgents, and has assured of the December deadline to end the insurgency.

With several and increasing cases of female suicide bombers wearing hijab detonating explosive devices, many have called for the ban of female Muslim costume called hijab. Others are of the view that banning it will not solve the problem, stressing that there is need for improved intelligence gathering among the security agencies.

Some have also questioned the failure of the government to logically prosecute the alleged sponsors of the Boko Haram insurgency. It would be recalled that the military authority has recently alleged that some Northern leaders do not want an end to Boko Haram insurgency.

Before now, such allegations have been made by some people in the corridors of power, but none of them has been able to name names or substantiate the allegations. Even some alleged sponsors of the insurgency have been arrested, and arraigned by the security agents, but have not been duly prosecuted.

This is even when some people have argued that there are enough laws to prosecute them, but only that the political will has been lacking on the part of government.

