The essence of good leadership for a nation

S. I. Okelezoh
Leadership epitomises the following essentials:
First, leadership means lead-a-ship: A ship is noted for a united people’s embankment on a hope-vessel of journey from a starting point to a successful better arrival of good expectation of final destination.

Secondly, leadership means lead-a-sheep (i.e. lead the sheep of God, God’s people whom He created): Sheep is noted for sticking to shepherds, who care and provide for the needs of life and living and guarantee their lives and properties protection.

The third element in true leadership is JUST upon which justice, fairness, equity, righteousness, blamelessness, truth etc. rest upon.

2 Samuel 23:3
[3] The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.

The fourth element is the FEAR OF GOD. The fear of God is a must-condition for ruling the sheep, ship of the nation Nigeria. Now the instruction of wisdom is the fear of God.

Proverbs 15:33
[33] The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.

Instruction is the making available of life’s knowledge and understanding through wisdom to achieve peaceful aims, goals of communal co-existence in growth, development with good success and absolute prosperity.

The fifth element is leadership is NOT CHEAP: It is not leaderCheap but leader-most-costly-life –sacrifice as ransom to redeem the sheep’s life and the ship’s life from sinking, lost and dead.

Instruction of wisdom is a two-way compliance power, both the giver of the instruction of wisdom and the receiver are partakers for the wellbeing of harmonious kingdom, governance system.

Nigeria’s SHEEP and SHIP as we speak are being set on the fire of extinction. I call on all leaders across the board to rise and quench this fire now before it is too late.

There are different classes of leaders.

The executives: president, vice president, governors and deputy governors.
The lawmakers/ legislatives: Senate and House of Representatives

The judiciary: judges of the lower courts, upper (higher) courts, judges of the Supreme Court and lawyers.
Religious leaders: The church leaders, Muslim leaders and traditional leaders.

All these leaders must heed this call to quench this fire and lead the sheep of the nation to good pasture.
Bishop Dr. S. I. Okelezoh, Ministry Of Perfection Church


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