The evil and great wickedness called Valentine


Valentine is a great wickedness that has taking over the world. The world initiated it to destroy young people’s lives. Valentine is synonymous to celebrating fornication and immorality. It serves as avenue for the world to display their worldliness and hatred for God.

Fornication on the other hand, is an easy way to loose the Lord’s favour. Anybody that does it will not have honour and his reproach will never be wiped off; his salvation will be destroyed.

Fornication and adultery are twin brothers. They are great sins that put a permanent stain in one’s life. They produce a dart in an individual’s heart. They have sent many to hell fire. A fornicator, who is also a typical harlot, hurts for precious souls. A foolish man who does not have self-restraint, enters her net and dies prematurely: not fulfilling his mission on earth.

Those who enslaved themselves by sending their wives or husbands abroad to engage in contract marriage do that to their own peril. This is the modern way of promoting adultery in marriages. The implication is that the wife or the husband may never come back to continue with the marriage. A strange woman would have stolen the heart of the man.

We must never allow ourselves to follow multitudes to commit sin. The church of Christ must run away from valentine. Whatever clothes or emblems associated with valentine must not be identified with us as Christians. We must make our faith known to the world! The world should be able to know our stand for the Lord.

Any believer that associates himself with valentine is a child of the Devil because the celebration emanated from the pit of hell. It is to destroy the lives of young people; send them to their untimely grave.

However, celebration of valentine clearly shows that the church of Christ has a lot to do in evangelising the world and making the people to understand whom the Lord is.
The Lord calls us to abstain from fornication and adultery and to do those things that edify Him — such as righteousness, holiness, faithfulness to the business of the Lord, among others.

As Christians, we should be faithful in all areas of life. The word of God should be the hallmark of our focus. These should be our pursuit as we serve the Lord.
Make up your mind today to avoid valentine and the demonic spirit that follows it.

• Further reading: 1Cor. 6:1-32; Prov. 6:26; 7:22, 26; Numbers 25:1-2; 2 Tim. 2:22; Romans 15:4; Exodus 20:3-5; 1 Cor. 10:20; 1Cor. 13:1-8. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programme, visit: You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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