The eyes of God (2)

The eyes of God.

Eureka! It was just like magic. After the doctor’s touching speech, Agbako instantly became gentle, like a lamb, he turned and signalled to the members of his gang that the operation was over. They shot sporadically into the ceilings of the theatre to scare away everybody and neighbours. Before the mention of ‘Robbery’ the dare-devil armed robbers had escaped with their loot and vanished out of sight.

Instantly, even with pains all over his body and blood streaming down his brows doctor Williams continued with the operation. In the next one hour or so the operation was over and successful. Doctor Williams was happy that the pregnant woman survived the operation and lived, equally nothing evil or bad happened to the baby in her womb. Mother and baby were lucky as they both survived the operation.

The next hour, the lovable and skilful doctor was treated for the injuries he sustained during the armed robbery attack. Bandage was applied on his head and he took some pain relieving drugs. The following day, exactly around 9:a.m his driver drove him to the police station where he made statements and reports of the armed robbery attack at his hospital.

Doctor Williams wondered who could have sent armed robbers to his hospital despite his kindness, love and benevolence to people. He was so speechless and shocked that he bore his travails and problems stoically, looking heavenward to God Almighty. The reason for the attack became a mystery to him. There is an aphoristic saying that, ‘We can’t fight our enemies alone. In life, there are those who do not take our success well. There are some people who think we are too proud, too happy, too lucky, too selfish, too good, too bad, too rich, too dirty, too clean, too Godly that they wish us evil, harm and doom. In order not to be defeated by our enemies, we need people of like minds who would go along with us in prayers.’ So, this realisation made Dr. Williams go the extra mile by engaging in prayer session with his staff every morning before the commencement of duty.

It is a happy thing that time quells the longings of vengeance and the promptings of rage and aversion. For how could one explain the next development in Doctor Williams’ life? Exactly three months later, Agbako the lion, the notorious kingpin of the armed robbers gang that robbed him was involved in a near fatal accident while cruising about in one of his jeeps. He was seriously injured and in critical condition and he was immediately rushed to Genesis Hospital for treatment. The same hospital he had robbed three months earlier. Wonders shall never cease!

Dr. Williams was dumbfounded and shocked when he realised the fact that the new emergency patient brought to his hospital was the kingpin of robbers who robbed him of money and valuables about three months ago. Surprise! Awe and more surprises! The handsome, kind-hearted and benevolent doctor wasted no time in administering life-saving treatment to the armed robber who was on danger list.

From all indications, Agbako the lion didn’t know where he was as he was bleeding profusely and also in coma. He was rushed to the emergency ward. The doctor administered the life-support oxygen machine when it seemed the armed robber would die after all. The nurses and other assistant doctors all went into action by the orders of Dr. Williams, who was the Medical Director.

