The Film Crew Of “93 Days”, The Movie, Release Statement On One Year Remembrance Of Dr. Stella Ameyo Adadevoh

The film crew of “93 Days”, the movie, release statement on one year remembrance of Dr.Stella Ameyo Adadevoh.

Today, August 19th marks one year since the passing of one of Nigeria’s formidable female heroes, Dr. Stella Ameyo Adadevoh.


As the cast and crew of “93 Days”, work tirelessly to bring to life the  endeavours of this great woman and other individuals who sacrificed their lives to protect our nation, we only hope that through our movie, we are able to portray everything that Dr. Adadevoh was and the impact she made to eradicate the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus.

Dr. Adadevoh lived up to her responsibility to the people, the state and the nation and showed us an exemplary character of what true patriotism is all about.

Bolanle Austen-Peters Production, Michael Angelo Production and Native Filmswork; the production team of  upcoming movie “93 Days”, burn a candle to remember everyone who fought this great battle.

“We are deeply grateful and we whisper prayers for every life lost. “

-93 Days The Movie



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