The Guardian Nwafor bags TUC Labour Reporter award

Commissioner for Housing, Lagos State, Moruf Akinderu (left) presenting the award to Nwafor.

The Guardian Labour Reporter, Gloria Nwafor, has bagged the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) Southwest Labour Reporter Award for the Print Media category.

Nwafor was recognised for her exceptional contribution to journalism, particularly in the realm of labour issues and trends.

The award was presented to her at the 2024 Labour Summit, organised by the TUC Southwest, held at the International Conference Centre (ICC), University of Ibadan (UI), Oyo State.

Presenting the award, Commissioner for Housing, Lagos State, Moruf Akinderu, commended her on the award and urged her to do more.

Chairman of the TUC, Lagos State Council, Gbenga Ekundayo, also commended Nwafor, adding that the award was to celebrate her achievements and appreciate her excellence in labour reporting.

Nwafor, while receiving the award, promised to use the feat to impact the flagship positively, noting that it meant a lot to her and would spur her to greatness.
