The Handover Ceremony of “the Project for Improving Access to Clean Water, Hygiene and Sanitation in Rega Cell, Bigogwe Sector, Nyabihu District” under the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP/Kusanone)

Embassy of Japan in Rwanda
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On December 7, at Rega school in Bigogwe sector, Nyabihu district, Ambassador IMAI attended the handover ceremony of GGP/Kusanone with the Association Rwandaise pour le Développement Endogène (ARDE).

The Government of Japan provided 81,788 USD to ARDE under the framework of GGP/Kusanone. The Project aimed to provide access to clean water for 7,900 people in and around Rega cell by constructing new water supply systems, including 4.37km of water pipes, two water kiosks, two public water taps and two water reservoirs.

Ambassador IMAI said in his remarks: “It is my pleasure to attend this handover ceremony for this Project. I appreciate ARDE’s great contribution in Rwanda’s Water Sector, and sincerely applaud them for a successful implementation of this Project. I wish the people in Rega cell will not only enjoy access to clean water but also maintain the facilities well, which would be the greatest achievement of this Project.”

Mr. MURENZI Paul, the President of ARDE, expressed his appreciation to the Government and the people of Japan for this valuable assistance, and promised that ARDE will continue to contribute to the development of water in Rwanda. Mr. Jean Claude HABANABAKIZE, the Vice Mayor of Nyabihu district, also thanked the Embassy of Japan.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Embassy of Japan in Rwanda.



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