The Healing Values Of Coconut Water

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

Botanical Name: Cocos Nucifera Family: Palm tree Common English names: Coconut Description THE name coconut comes from Spanish and Portuguese word coco, which means “monkey face.” Coconut is a perennial palm tree that grows up to 30 metres in tropical climate.

The fruit of the coconut palm (coconut) is botanically classified as a drupe and not a nut. It is the largest seed ever known to man.

Coconut tree takes up to a year to mature and the fruit is constantly yielding a continuous harvest year-round. Nearly all parts of the coconut tree are very useful in various ways, but our main concern in this article is the young or tender coconut water, i.e. the liquid inside a young coconut.

A tender coconut between six and nine months old contains up to 600 to 750 mililitres of an opaque and naturally sterile water that has a slight salty and sweet flavour, which is known in some tropical countries of the world as the “ fluid of life.” The tender coconut water is generally known as mineral water, used as a highly nutritious wholesome beverage, refreshing and natural energy drink.

Young coconut water is low in fat (no cholesterol) and calories. Chemical Constituents Sugars Tender coconut water contains simple sugars, such as glucose and fructose, while the fully matured one contains sucrose.

Vitamins The green coconut water is a good source of ascorbic acid; beta carotene; and the B group vitamins; nicotinic acid; pantothenic acid; biotin; riboflavin; folic acid; thiamine; and pyridoxine.

Protein The proteins and amino acids (alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cystine, glutamic acid, histidine, leucine, lysine, proline, phenylalanine, serine and tyrosine) in tender coconuts are higher than that in cow’s milk.

Health researchers have recently found that tender or green coconut water contains natural peptides (tiny protein particles) that kill cancer cells in vitro.

They also found that these proteins have remarkable antioxidants, immune boosting, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Minerals Tender coconut water has less sodium and more potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and other minerals, which make it one of the highest sources of natural and healthy isotonic (electrolyte) drink available in nature.

It has the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood, as well as a natural balance of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium and double the alkalising power of pure lemon juice.

Therapeutic Actions Antidote to poison, alkaline-forming (balances the blood Ph), anti-tumour, antioxidant, antimicrobial (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal), anti- aging, carminative, detoxicant, digestive, diuretic, immune booster, rejuvenative tonic, sedative, stress-buster, etc.

Medicinal Uses As an effective aid in the treatment of a variety of some disease conditions, a glass of green or tender coconut water is usually taken twice or thrice a day.

Digestive System Disorders The green or tender coconut water is an excellent remedy for acid reflux (removes acidity), flatulence and bloating (due to excess gas), dyspepsia nausea and vomiting, constipation, gastritis, ascaris (round worms) etc.

The tender coconut water is also a strong antidote to poison and adverse drug reaction. Green coconut water is naturally sterile and contains lauric acid, which is present in human mother’s milk and it is safe for infants suffering from gastrointestinal disturbances.

Tender coconut water is rich in potassium and has a balance level of electrolytic and is very useful as an oral rehydration fluid in the treatment of cholera. It can be given intravenously to balance electrolytes.

Chemical analysis has shown that coconut water contain over 284 chemical substances and has been shown to be identical to human blood plasma and therefore can be used as plasma substitute.

The green coconut water is sterile, isotonic, easily absorbed by the body and does not cause the hemolysis of the red blood cells. It is on record that during the World War 11, it was given as an emergency plasma transfusion to the wounded soldiers.

Liver, Kidney And Urinary Disorders Tender coconut water is one of the most reliable blood purifier and a general health enhancing fluid.

It is an effective treatment aid in heart, liver, kidney and urinary disorders. It acts as a natural diuretic, especially when these health conditions are associated water retention or edema. The water is useful for the treatment of ascites (a disease condition resulting in fluid accumulation in the stomach).

Drinking up 100 to 250 mililitres of coconut water daily serves as urinary antiseptic, clears the urinary tract, treats urinary tract infection, hematuria and removes kidney stones. Coconuts Water As A Natural Stress-Buster Taking 250 mililitres of coconut water mixed with two tablespoons of fresh Aloe Vera Gel twice daily calms the body and relieves the anxiety, hot flashes and emotional stress common with menopausal women.

Tender Coconuts Water As A Rejuvenative Tonic The water is an excellent rejuvenative tonic for the young, the old, the sick and the malnourished. Drinking a glass of coconut water daily boosts the energy in cases of fatigue. It increases the quality of semen and sexual power.

External Uses Applying tender coconut water directly on the body gives soothing and cooling effects and it helps in relieving the itching and discomfort caused by skin rashes, measles, small pox, chicken pox, etc. It is important to note that tender or green coconut water is nutritionally and therapeutically more effective than the water from matured coconut. Also, it ferments easily and loses some its properties when exposed to air.

