The hidden benefits of prayer cell


Tex: Acts 2:42-47
Cell meeting is an important spiritual meeting that brings about tremendous growth to the church. It is a divine doctrine/vision handed down to the church by God. In some churches, it is called House Fellowship, while we call it Prayer Cell in Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Center. In our text above, the disciples of Jesus Christ started cell meeting and so much miracles, signs and wonders were recorded.

Cell meeting is not a full-fledged church, but a small church in the house where members and non-members of a church converge to fellowship together. It is a divine assignment that God gave to the church to expedite the growth of the church. It is cell fellowship/meetings that feed the church. However, cell meetings have been abused or neglected outright. This neglect has necessitated reinvigoration of this important meeting in Kingdom Power.

In Kingdom Power, cell fellowship is unique; it is majorly centered on prayer hence the name, prayer cell. One of the reasons of prayer is to concretise the teachings and learning in the church. A lot of teachings go on in many churches with little or no prayers. The pillar of holiness cannot stand in any church that neglects prayer. It is this supporting pillar – prayer that makes every other pillar, such as holiness and evangelism to stand. Prayer strengthens holiness.

Prayer cell builds the believer to fight and destroy all the powers of the enemies. The benefits of prayer Cell cannot be overemphasized: Prayer Cell builds confidence among members; it strengthens members to fight against territorial powers around them; it serves as a medium of evangelism and growth to the church; it also assist members fight their personal and corporate battles through prayer.

The vision of Kingdom Power is to ensure that every corner in any street, has a prayer cell. This will make Jesus famous and ward off all sorts of wickedness in the land because virtually every house will be praying at all times. Prayer cell is not a mini church, but a small number of people, say two – three people that gather together to pray. When it grows to more than that number, it should be divided further to make the cell prayer spread fast. A prayer cell must have a leader and the leader must not necessarily be a worker in the church, but must, however, be a born again Christian. The overall leader must be discreet to carefully choose someone that will lead a prayer cell.

A Prayer Cell leader must be disciplined and sincere. He must be transparently holy in all his dealings. The location of a prayer cell can be anywhere in a choice place and particularly, in a believer’s house. A prayer cell can be in motor parks, market, offices, shops, under a tree, etc. A devoted one hour is enough for a prayer cell and there should not be lateness to meetings.

Members should be willing to make available any conducive venue that they have for prayer cell. Those who refuse to give their houses or available venues to God, are doing a disservice to themselves. Obededom was blessed stupendously because he made his house available for the Ark of God.

For speedy expansion of the church of Jesus Christ, prayer cell is the answer. All hands must be on deck to actualise this vision.

For further reading: Gen. 2:20; 1 Tim. 2:8; 2 Sam. 6:10-13; Daniel 2:13-18.


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