The Illegal JUSUN Strike

SIR: The strike called by Judicial Staff (JUSUN) nationwide is illegal, and quite out of place in the context of legal and political realities in the country.

  If, as they say, they have a judgment over first time charge payment to the judiciary, is it not then left for them to enforce their judgment. Is strike a legal procedure to enforcement of a valid judgment of a court? If they really have a judgment like they claim, did they not brief a solicitor to prosecute the matter further? Why did they not call out their members instead of going to court then?

  The hardship, suffering and terror now being unleashed on innocent litigating Nigerian citizens and others are very unimaginable and quite unreasonable part of JUSUN agenda. No reasonable person would be convinced that an association could call a nationwide strike where, there is no trade dispute.

  JUSUN should not use their association to hold people to ransom. Their action does not in any way add any value to the suffering justice seeking private and corporate Nigerians.

  Well and good, their salaries would always be paid to them, (just like in Rivers State since June 2014) but who takes care of the loss and pains inflicted on the poor masses, those in prison (waiting trial) and those who need one service or the other from the judiciary.

  JUSUN should not cry more than the bereaved. If they want the constitution to be upheld, so do all of us. It is not actually their place to activate action on behalf of the judiciary; the third arm of government should fight the battle itself. If the judiciary is comfortable that its money is paid to it through a third party and the JUSUN are paid their salaries and entitlement, why should JUSUN grieve.

• Chimezie Otuonye, 

Rumuokwurusi, Port Harcourt.



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