The lifestyle of kingdom citizens


Text: Genesis 12:1-3
A Kingdom is a territory governed by a king. Such kingdom has unique lifestyle and culture peculiar to it. Ours is a heavenly kingdom different from others.

Abraham heard God’s voice that instructed him to leave the country of His nativity to a country whose builder and maker is God. This country is a great country with a Great King called God. God’s hand was upon Abraham to mould and build him, so he could have absolute trust and confidence in Him. God promised to be His God in this country. This country was to usher into Abraham’s life a new language, culture and lifestyle.

Heavenly kingdom is a great place with selective principles. It does not accept every Dick and Harry. It takes time in its selection because not everybody is accepted in this kingdom, which abhors worldliness and careless lifestyle. The threshold to heavenly citizenship is salvation, righteousness and holiness. Adulterers, fornicators and all sorts of evils are not permitted in God’s Kingdom. They will be barred forever from God’s Kingdom, except they repent and accept Jesus Christ.

God’s Kingdom is sacred and does not entertain evil. People run away from this kingdom because of the atrocities being committed by leaders and members who claimed to be citizens of this kingdom. If the Kingdom of God is preached and presented in a marketable way, more sinners will come to God’s kingdom. What is being practised in churches today is religion and not kingdom lifestyle. The reason is that so-called believers lack the qualities to be citizens of Heaven.

God’s Kingdom does not know sickness and death. Death does not have power over the citizens, because Christ overcame on their behalf at Calvary. Rather, citizens of heavenly kingdom have all power to heal and raise the dead. The power of God is resident in believers who are heaven-bound. There is no hidden or open sin in this kingdom. Citizens of God’s Kingdom are holy and pure. Those in it are born again, washed in the blood of the Lamb. It is a kingdom to be advertised to sinners, so they can come out of the dark kingdom to the marvellous light of God. God Himself advertised heavenly kingdom to Abraham to the extent that Abraham left his country for a better one!

There is no poverty in God’s Kingdom. This is because the founder and father of this kingdom is a wealthy God; He owns everything in the kingdom and desires to lavish the wealth of His Kingdom on His children. Unfortunately, many believers are ignorant of God’s provisions for them. This is the reason why they remain in poverty, even after they have been translated.

Those who are citizens of God’s Kingdom must display the lifestyle of heaven in all respect: the language and culture of heaven must be reflected in the lives of heaven-bound citizens. Citizens of God’s Kingdom should always display openly to the world the culture, language and lifestyle of God’s Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is for those who are prepared for it. You can start the preparation today by turning away from sins and accepting Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour.

For further reading: references: Eph. 2:19; Isaiah 9:6-7;Luke 16: 16; Matthew 4:12; 8:1-4; Col. 1:1-12; Phil. 3:20; Isaiah 65:18-25.
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