‘The Main Aim Of Wearing Hijab Is Not To Carry Out Suicide Bombing’


PRESENTLY many Nigerians are worried over the involvement of youths, mostly female minors in suicide bombing.

  Though it is callous for any reasonable persons to be involve in such acts, the carrots being dangle before these minors by their sponsors The Guardian learnt is always huge, often compel them to accept being used by the terrorists. 

  Had the government of the day played its constitutional roles by providing employment to the teeming youths in the country, the menace of female suicide bombing or otherwise wouldn’t have occured in the first place.

 Speaking on the growing trend of female suicide bombing, the Director of Darul-Hadith in Jalingo, the Taraba State capital, Mallam Mohammed Muktar told The Guardian that the monetary offer being made by those behind the insurgency is responsible for female involvement in the devilish act

He identified lack of job among the youths as the reason for their quest to get involve in suicide bombing.

 Even though, as opined by him, there ” are lot of reasons minors are being involved in suicide bombing, but government’s inability to engage the youths in a meaningful employment is the major cause

 “Since they are jobless, they are being pushed to accept the offer, and embark on the suicide mission.”

  Muktar who is also a member of the Muslim Council of leaders in the state, noted that the suicide bombing among female minors has been on the increase because government at all levels have failed in its responsibilities. 

 “More to that, should the government continue to relegate to the background security operatives, crushing insurgents in the country and the need to equip security personnel with the relevant working tools, the menace will continue unabated.

  “In a situation where government would continue to drag its feet by displaying lukewarm attitudes towards addressing the situation, the future of the next generation and that of the country at large would be nothing to write about.”

 He expressed concern that the situation has portray religion especially Islam in a negative way, saying it is blackmailing our religion.”

 Stressing that Islam is that religion that not only hold tenaciously to peace, but also preaches peace and live in peace with other religions, the need for people to desist from seeing Islam in a negative perception, he said has become necessary.

 “These suicide bombers have dented our religion. They made people to see Islam from negative angle. The truth is that Islam is a peaceful religion.”

 ” These people that are engaging in these acts are not working according to the teachings of Islam. They are working for their own selfish interest and not for the Islamic religion as they have always claimed.”

 Wondering why such people have continued to cause crisis in the country using the name of religion, such persons, he said ” are not good Muslims and are not following the teachings of Islam.”

 For those frowning against the use of Hijab, plan of preventing Muslim women from wearing it, he believed can never be achieved as the aim of wearing it is not to carry out suicide bombing.

 “Hijab” which according to him is “Sunab” should “not be tampered with just because some few people are using it to cause problems in the country”

 Rather than condemning the use of “hijab” the public, he suggested should be made to know that “hijab is Sunab, and that we need some to wear hijabs.”

 ” To be sincere with you, Hijab is for the coverage of the body. It is good for Muslims internally and externally. It is a very good sign when women wore it. It shows that they are good women that follows the rules of Islam.”

He beckoned at government to desist from politicising insurgency as it ” is a security issue, adding that every religion needs security, every people needs security and every countries needs security” hence the need for all irrespective of religions to work together to ensure the security of the country.”

 While admonishing the youths to follow the teachings of Islam by reading ” very hard to know what Islam is all about and what Islam need from them” Parents, as suggested by him, have to work tirelessly to give their children good trainings so as to be good ambassadors of the country.”

