The man that never dies! (2)

A voodoo priest performs ritual at a shrine (Photo by PROSPER DAGNITCHE / AFP)

“Remember you must wash the seven cowries with the blood of a black goat every seven years so that you can live forever!” Baba Iroko Nla stopped talking and gave the big cow horn to Chief Abegunde.

The horn was wrapped all over with a red piece of cloth.

“Thank you Baba,” Chief Abegunde said; heaving a sigh of relief.
“I know you’ll solve this problem for me.”

Chief Abegunde went home that day, feeling really happy. When the seventh year came he performed the ritual as the old herbalist had ordered. He chanted the incantation and called the name of one of his close friends. The man, by name Ajayi, died instantly. So, Chief Abegunde lived for another seven years.

He rejoiced and was excited when his friend died. Now, Chief Abegunde was in his 80s. He still looked strong, and healthy. About three innocent people had died through the evil ritual of this wicked Chief, including two young relatives.

One particular year, when Chief Abegunde was in his early 90s, he used one of his wives for the evil ritual and the woman died instantly.

Whenever he killed someone so that he could live long, he would be so happy that he would throw a party three weeks later, telling people that he was merely celebrating life.

“Ha!Haa!!Haaa!!! I’ll live forever and enjoy life!” Chief Abegunde chuckled to himself, “No one will know the secret of my long life! I’ll never die! I have the power over life and death in my hands”

In the year 2006, Chief Abegunde was 97 years old but he looked just like a 47-year-old man. That year, a young man by name Roland Omowunmi, who was recently married to his heartthrob, Beatrice, had packed into one of the blocks of flat, owned by Chief Abegunde.

Chief Abegunde had picked Roland Omowunmi as his next victim for his evil- ritual of longevity. The deeply religious and handsome young man had just paid a three-year-rent- to occupy one of Chief’s houses and he was so happy not knowing that the evil minded Chief had a satanic plan to snuff the life out of him that faithful Sunday. When it was 12 midnight Chief Abegunde was preparing his evil ritual.

He started chanting some strange and powerful incantations. Beatrice, Roland’s beautiful wife was heavily pregnant and the family was expecting a bouncing baby boy or girl very soon.

That very Sunday evening Ronald was observing a seven-day-fasting period in his place of worship and there was a vigil going on. As the chief called Roland’s name one, two, three, four times the young man was deep in prayerful session.

When it got to the seventh time instead of him (Roland) to die, the chief screamed hysterically and painfully: “Yee! Yeee!! Yeeee!!! I’m burning! Fire! Fire! Help me!!! Help!!!” The Chief collapsed and started rolling on the ground in terrible pains and hysteria. Smallpox and measles started sprouting out of his body. Then he started getting leaner and leaner.

At that very moment the evil chief started confessing the devilish things he had done for the past twenty years. He was confessing and screaming in pains till the following morning. People were shocked and dumbfounded. The surprise was boldly written on people’s faces; nobody knew that the high Chief was into such satanic and wicked manipulations.

Out of anger and vengeance the crowd of people who had gathered started throwing stones and missiles at the evil chief who was outside the front of his mansion while making the open confession. The police rescued Chief Abegunde from being lynched that Monday morning, but he later gave up the ghost.

He died vomiting blood through his nose and mouth. The smallpox and measles covered his entire body and he continued to scream in serious pains as he breathed his last. He was so thin and gaunt like a broomstick at the moment of his death.

The secrets of Chief Abegunde became known to the whole world and he wasn’t giving a befitting burial. The shame and ridicule he suffered after death continued to haunt his children till today.

