The new face of Nigerian political system

INEC Ballot Box
There is an ongoing battle already for the soul of Nigeria. The political landscape of Nigeria is about to be changed after the February 25, 2023 general election.

The whole world has attested to the fact that a great wind of change is blowing in the murky waters of Nigerian political terrain. What has not happened before is about to happen. The present condition of Nigeria is worrisome and we can never stop talking about the menace of herdsmen, bandits, terrorists and gunmen. The turning point in Nigeria’s political history is now. On January 7, 2023, gunmen suspected to be herdsmen attacked the Edo train station and shot sporadically into the air. 32 passengers were kidnapped by Ak-47 wielding gunmen while several passengers were injured. The Nigeria Railway Corporation, NRC, has closed down Ekehen Station in Edo State indefinitely after gunmen attacked the train station.

We can never stop talking about the menace of Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria both in the Northern and Southern parts of the country. The social and economic effects of the menace of Fulani herdsmen is quite outrageous. Herdsmen are in America, Armenia, Ghana, China, Europe but the herdsmen in Nigeria has become a nuisance and a threat to life probably because a Fulani is a president or wants to be the president of the country. Findings has it that farmland destruction, attack on villages, murder of victims, kidnap and clash with farmers, injuries, rape, stealing of farm produce, robbery and terrorism are perpetrated by the herdsmen.

South East Nigeria appears to be in the firm grips of criminal gangs. Everyday in the South East, we hear pathetic news of killings, kidnap, burning and destruction of public property, attack on military checkpoints etc. It is a case of one too many. Nigeria is currently ravaged by unprecedented wave of overlapping security challenges ranging from terrorism, banditry, kidnappings and robbery. Nigeria seems to be a failed state. Nobody in Nigeria has the assurance or guarantee that tomorrow will fare better except with trust in the Almighty God.

Francis Cardinal Arinze has tweeted urging Nigerians that 5000 delegates should no longer determine who becomes president in Nigeria. One of the presidential candidates in the race has marveled at the mammoth crowd in one of his rallies who were not given “shishi” to come out for the campaign. This is not the time for name-calling, dishing insults, bullying or mere shows for rallies. Nigerians are united through suffering. Nigerians have seen more than they could imagine. The consequences of electing a bad leader or incompetent leader has taught the youths a lesson. History is about to be made. We are not going back. The era of harangue, brigandage, thuggery, rigging, and imposition of candidates has fazed out. The soul of Nigeria must be salvaged by a committed citizen. Indigenous Nigerians face hardship while neighbouring countries are benefitting from the largesse. Good governance is our right and we are ready to fight for it. There is no giving up until victory is assured.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has come out to say that most Nigerians supporting certain candidates are nothing but very wicked and do not mean well for their children and the country at large. Choice is the act of picking between two or more possibilities. The power of choice is the strong will to make a decision in the midst of several options. While it is generally opined that man is a choice being, scriptures clearly established that God has given man the power to choose (Joshua 24:15). However, we live with the consequences of the choices we make whether good or bad. The onus therefore, lies on us to make the right choices, which in turn determine the course of our lives. There are several choices we make in life with their attendance consequences. For instance: The choice of who will rule Nigeria for the next eight years, the choice of continuous ASUU strike, the choice of developing Nigeria and ending the spate of abject poverty with attendant insecurity in Nigeria. There are other choices we make like the choice we make whether to serve God or not will determine the eternal reward we will get. Many factors influence the choices we make in life. Self-control will help guide our choices and prevent us from making irrational decisions. We must make good plans and be guided by good vision before we make a choice. More importantly, prayers will enable us to key into the mind of God. Conversely, pride, hypocrisy, doubt, and negative thoughts among others, will hinder us from making the right choices. We must strive to always have the correct mind frame all the time.

2023 is our ‘exodus’. It means exit or departure. It is a story of how God through series of miraculous interventions, delivered His people, Nigeria, from ‘Egypt.’ God is moulding Nigeria into a strong nation and He will give them laws and a working system of government. God’s time for the liberation of His people in Nigeria has arrived. The darkest part of the night is just before the dawn. Ahead of the February 25 presidential election, the General Overseer of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Pastor Paul Enenche, has said struggles between different political players for Nigeria’s soul has transcended the physical to the spiritual. Voting for killers, terrorists and their sponsors, Jihadists is an option left for Nigerians. Finally, “The person God uses has a burden for His people, a vision for His purpose and a commitment to His projects.”
•Obiotika Wilfred Toochukwu.


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