The power above all powers (4)

Power of God

Continued from Saturday, March 9, 2024

“Speak now,” Pastor Araoluwa ordered, “the Almighty God knows you through and through but He wants you to purge yourself of those wicked, hurtful and hideous things you’ve done in the dark enclaves of the earth. Speak now, I’m listening so I can do proper cleansing of your soul. Speak, Ewenje. Confess and be healed…”

“Yes, I know I’m truly guilty of many crimes…” Ewenje said after drawing a long breath, “I took many peoples’ wives and killed their husbands through juju and voodoo and made some mad. I’m very, very wicked and have an unforgiving spirit. My best friend died through food poisoning in my hands and I took his wife and also claimed his properties…yeeh… I’ve made many people poor and broken-hearted through my wicked powers and killed many kings after they were coronated…I know my sins are plenty and myriad but I don’t want to die…please O saint of God…don’t let me die…”

“What actually was the last sin you committed before God’s vengeance descended on you?” Pastor Araoluwa asked the now sober Ewenje.

“I wanted to kill the new king of Korogun Land and install myself as the paramount ruler.” Ewenje confessed in tears, “I’ve actually killed three among his chiefs who were opposing my moves. I think the king must have the special anointing and halo of the Almighty God on him.

I was preparing a powerful ritual that would make thunder and lightning strike him dead. I was supposed to call his name three times and expecting lightning to strike him on the third call. Immediately I called his name for the last time instead of lightning to strike him dead I suddenly collapsed on the ground and started vomiting blood. And I started getting leaner every day.

Since then I’ve been having nightmares and suffering excruciating pains all over my body for the past eight months. Please, what can I do so as not to die? My sins against humanity is countless but I want God to forgive me and set me free from this painful and terrifying experiences…help me tell God, O saint of the Omnipotent God, I am begging for forgiveness of my evil sins… …My heart is filled with wickedness and I don’t believe in loving my neighbours or mankind…Help me please, O man of God…”

“Ewenje, the Lord Almighty had heard all your confessions.” the Pastor answered while raising the Holy Book to the sky, “The wages of sin is death! No evildoer can escape from the wrath of the Almighty God. You have committed crimes and atrocities that make the vengeance of God unavoidable. The Lord God is slow to anger but when He is angry with a sinner no amount of ritual or spiritual cleansing can work. You must suffer for your evil deeds.

“The spirit of God tells me that you must suffer untold hardship and pains for three years after which you will die a horrifying death and your soul would go to hell. I have delivered the message as the Almighty God commanded me. I have to take my leave. This would serve as a lesson to evildoers that the wages of sin is death and that there is payback time for our actions here on earth.”

Having said this, the light-skinned messenger of God walked out of the shrine of Ewenje and left him to his fate. Whatever a man sow, so shall he reap. Ewenje continued suffering for exactly three years as the man of God had said. His wives deserted him and seven among his children died under mysterious circumstances. He had no one to take care of him for those three years. He even ate his own excreta or faeces as he was left with nothing towards the end of his life. He was as thin as a broomstick at the very last hour of his life. He gave up the ghost on a particular Monday evening all alone in his evil shrine.
