The Power Of Image And Influence


“NO one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”- Eleanor  Roosevelt.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” Ephesians 6:10 ESV.

I was musing the other day about how we sometimes unknowingly let our external circumstances and social influences and judgements define the way we think about ourselves. Why is it important to watch the influences that touch your heart and mind? The way we think about ourselves will determine our actions – it tells us how strong we think we are, what battles we think we can win or lose, what heights we can reach in life, and how much happiness we think we are entitled to have etc. For example: two men might have taken the same classes and have been equipped with the same knowledge. Yet one of them acknowledges that society looks down on people who have no display of wealth.

Now, while that may be a fact, he doesn’t see past this – Because he sees only poverty he is poverty minded and cannot see that society does not dictate a man’s destiny; Even if faced with the examples of people who have overcome society’s stigmas, the one who is poverty minded will not think to associate their potentials with himself. On the other hand, the other man who is just as he is, believes that when the bible says “all things work together for good to those who love God”, it applies to him. Therefore, when situations are thrown at him his mindset is this “If God let it get into the ring with me, I can beat it!” Therefore, when he faces situations, he does that with the resolve and mindset that He is already above the opposing force. He is aware that he can garner strength and help from God so instead of cowering out, he faces his situations head on. When we let situations dictate our lives we become cowards and act much less than who we have been created to be.
Sit Back and Examine Yourself

“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves…” 2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV
Most times, we are the least likely to see the truth about ourselves. Therefore it takes periodic examination to prove ourselves. I find that I must do this every now and again – and not necessarily on a schedule. None of us are perfect in ourselves and self deception can be a very a subtle thing. However, prove ourselves we must. I cannot stress enough that we need the help of God here without which the practice will be an exercise in futility and an even greater deception.

Set Sensible Goals

You would think that the very act of setting goals is by default sensible, however, not all goals are created equal; some goals are borne of knowledge and insight while others are born of ignorance and laziness. For example; it is too easy for your goal to be to drop a dress size or to lose weight. Why? Because it is a common terminology. General society’s ideas can be shallow and therefore the solutions never go deep. It does nothing to deal with the root cause of the problem neither does it give a preventive solution. This is why many weight loss journeys are fruitless, tedious and an emotional roller coaster with great dissatisfaction.

Instead of making a dress size your goal, make a healthy lifestyle your goal. Making a dress size a goal does not have clear check points of what to do and what not to do and that’s why the journey is a roller coaster or at best very stressful and defeatist in nature. However, if you make a healthy lifestyle your goal, the checkpoints a clearer and you’re guided into healthy habits that make you loose weight and keep it off when you do. Body weight is much more than excess fat – it has to do with hormones, emotions, physical activity, etc. Making such a goal requires mind renewal and it is safe and kinder.

Your mind isn’t bombarded by negative emotions about yourself image since an image isn’t your goal; where you are is as good a place as any to start your journey; your goal is a life style not some distant place in the future; you can live in and enjoy every moment instead of beating yourself down every time you look into the mirror. Desires and trials (short term efforts) do not make changes, habits do. Wise goals aren’t about brawn or will power and neither do they fight against time – Instead they acknowledge it, working wisely and conserving energy.

To be continued next week

