The Supremacy Of Divine Power

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” – Luke 10: 19

BELOVED, we want you to understand that God holds supreme power and anyone that will acquire this power must be a child of God and any believer without this power is like a soldier without a gun. Therefore, he cannot accomplish much.

  The rule in the Old Testament is that any person, including the prophet who is assigned a responsibility, must be empowered by having oil poured on his head as a symbol of power. In other words, anointing the person commissions him for God’s assignment. David, Elijah, Elisha and others were anointed.

   In the New Testament, however, the method of commissioning differs. Phil. 2: 13 says, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” Eph. 3: 19-20 says, “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…” 

   So, from the New Testament, till date, God has been working in us through His Spirit to will and do what He likes. He decides who works for Him and what will be worked on. The ability to overcome temptation, preach, read the Bible and do other assignments He apportions any of us is by His grace. It is according to that infinite power, which God put forth in all believers. This power was and is the main prop for confidence in prayer. All that God can do, and all that He has promised to do, will be done according to that power of the Holy Ghost, which worketh strongly in us, expelling evil, purifying desires, and implanting good. Without the power of God, we cannot reach the great door of blessing, which God has opened for us. The power of God was what the disciples in Bible days used to triumph over spiritual and physical wickedness. 

   In those days, there was great persecution to hinder the propagation of the gospel. Yet, such tribulation never daunted them nor quenched their zeal. The early Apostles and the Church suffered persecutions through governmental policies meant to maim, incarcerate and kill any believer preaching Christ’s death and resurrection. But despite these sufferings and persecutions, they prevailed because of the power of God.   

  During those days, Stephen was stoned to death, many were imprisoned and others were scattered to different cities. Yet, the work of God continued because the power of God was with them. The more they were scattered; the more the gospel spread to many nations.

  If we must do His work in a world full of trouble, we must acquire the power of God. Many people in some parts of the country are being killed because they are Christians. Many have their appointments terminated because they are born-again. Many wives and children are persecuted in our midst because they have decided to become genuine Christians, while some husbands have chased their wives away because they attended church services. Even apprentices are not left out. Some landlords have refused to admit tenants because they are Christians. 

   Beloved, for one to sail through this myriad of troubles, one must be divinely empowered. The person that will excel will be the one with the power of God.

