The tripod on which Kingdom Power stands


Text: Psalms 93:5; 1Thess.5:17; Luke 18:1; Matthew 28:18-20

There is a sure foundation upon, which Kingdom Power stands. This foundation is called tripod in Kingdom Power. They are holiness, prayer and evangelism. A friend of Kingdom Power must adhere to this tripod and this formed the basis upon, which Kingdom Power maintains its relationship with anybody on earth. Anything that touches this foundation, has severed the relationship with Kingdom Power.

Paul defended this foundation and paid with his blood in defense of it. Peter also suffered and was killed because of his adherence to this foundation. Jesus Christ, our all time example, shed his precious blood on the Cross of Calvary to establish this truth. There are other notable defenders of truth who lived and died holding firmly on the tripod delivered to the saints.

Everyone must be resolute and decisive about this foundation. The determination to live by this foundation may cost precious things of this life. In workplaces, holiness must be treasured above all things. It must be the number one principle that revolves the entire life of a believer. In fact, holiness is our calling; we are called to holiness. We have come to the point of not only encouraging members to possess holiness, but to also live, dwell, preach and defend it. Holiness must not be commercialised; it must not be traded for anything on earth. It is the victory of every believer. No power in the universe can conquer holiness. No holy man can be defeated in any battle.

The church has to return to the original state of holiness, the very foundation of Christian faith. Before now, the devil stripped man naked of holiness. Man was messed up and defeated. But having recovered our original nature, we are to carry the message of holiness to the entire world. As our image, we must be bold enough to tell the world of the possibility of living in holiness, as we portray practical holiness with our life, as an example to them. Holiness is the nature of God and man was created with the same image of holiness. Invariably, holiness automatically became the nature of man until he was dethroned.

Prayer is another stronghold of a believer. Prayer and holiness are interwoven! Prayer cannot get any answer without holiness and holiness cannot be retained without prayer. In Kingdom Power, prayer is the oxygen that sustains the life of the church. There are various kinds of prayer such as worship, warfare, deliverance prayer, among others. There is no particular posture to stay during prayer. Prayer can be said while standing, sitting or lying down. The content of prayer covers a wide spectrum of human endeavour, which includes but not limited to praying for our leaders, for the church, saints, sinners and for individual needs.

Evangelism as one of the tripod, go side by side with prayer. Evangelism can never be effective without prayer. It is prayer that prepares the hearts of sinners to accept Christ. No one has any right to preach the gospel without intensive prayer because no man can convert a sinner by his own power. Men that turned the world upside down through evangelism, were men of prayer.

Stand and defend this tripod if you are a lover of God.

• For further reading: Acts 5:21; Psalms 93:5; 1Pt:1-15,16; Psalms 47:18; Hab. 2:14; Gen. 1:26-27; Hab. 2:2; Eph. 6:18; John 17:15-21; Mat. 28:18-20; Luke 24:47-53; Acts 1:4, 8; 2:1-4,38-41; 6:2-4; 17:6.

You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State.

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