The type of change Nigeria needs

Sir: We need to change our system and orientation. The nation’s resources should be shared equally among the people. Indigent students should be given scholarship. We should obey traffic rules, even when there are no traffic warders. Children of policemen should summon courage to tell their fathers to stop collecting bribes on the road and get them informed that they are the symbols of the nation’s integrity.

Parents on their part should teach their children to be counted. It’s a popular saying that good parenting begets good society. When we change our attitude, landlords will no longer collect money for toilet use and electricity meters. We also need to change what is happening at the power sector. Nigeria should, at least celebrate one week of uninterrupted power supply once in a while.

Compatriots, let us change the way we increase transport fare and fuel price every now and then. The elderly people should also change their ways by not committing atrocities in the guise of tradition, thereby laying bad examples for the younger generation. The change we are clamouring for should furthermore reflect in the political terrain where patriotic and selfless people are allowed to emerge as leaders.

The change we need is that the individual citizens should have the knowledge that he/she can checkmate the excuses of those at the helm of affairs and come to the realisation that the nation belongs to us all.
After all, democracy is defined as the government of the people by the people and for the people.

In essence, Nigeria needs to change in all spheres of life. If on the other hand, we become averse to change, we should remain at the level of underdevelopment where nothing is working.
Tunde Eso is the founder of Youthocracy.



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