Therapy for total healing

Stephen Wolemonwu

Being in good health is the desire of every human being. Sound health is possible and remaining in health is enjoyable. Whatever is achievable in life is only possible by good health. Illness and all kinds of ailment can paralyse the future and slow down the productivity level of anyone.
The book of Prophet Isaiah 1:6 reads: “From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.”
There are so many areas, so many ways and so many people that are sick, as a result of the following:
• Some are sick and are aware
• Some are sick and are not aware
• Some are sick, but do not know the level of the illness
• Some are sick and do not know how to get healing
• Some are sick, but do not know the illness
• Some are sick, but are tired because the sickness seems to have defiled all remedies
• Some are sick, but do not want to accept healing
• Some are sick, but are afraid to open up
• Some are sick, but are ashamed to open up for fear of stigmatisation
• Some are sick, but have no means of accessing healing or health care
• Some are sick, but hate the recommended therapy or remedy
• Some are sick and have given up on the process of healing
• Some are sick, but failed to complete the dosage of the recommended remedy
• Some are sick, but are cut off from their means of healing.
In 1Corinthians 11:30, we discovered that certain habits can bring about sickness, weakness or even death: “For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.”
These people had the habit of coming to the Lord’s table and eating the Lord’s meal unworthy; today many habits has exposed most people to certain ailments

Habits That Can Lead To Sickness
• Poor eating habit
• Poor sexual habit
• Poor exercising habit
• Poor use of phone and electronic gadgets
• Bad exposure to harmful substances
• Exposure to wrong spiritual environment
• Poor sleeping habit
• Wrong sleeping posture
• Lack of rest
• Excessive rest
• Exposure to unhealthy environment
This list can go on and on. When anything is done excessively without caution or certain proper hygiene is neglected it can lead to illness
According to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) report on the status of Major Health Risk Factors for Non-communicable Diseases showed a series of worrying trends. Most African adults were found to have at least one of the five major risk factors for non-communicable diseases:
• Smoking,
• Bad diet,
• Lack of exercise,
• Excess weight and
• High blood pressure.
At least a quarter of adults were observed to have at least three of these five combined risk factors. (The data was collected across 33 countries, using a representative sample.). By the time of this report it is believed that in the next decade, non-communicable diseases will kill over 44 million people worldwide, an increase of 15 per cent since the 2010 estimate, according to the WHO. In Africa that will result in 3.9 million deaths by 2020, which was about three years ago, if this figure is correct you will believe me that in 2023 the number would have increased. Good lifestyle and behavioural changes are ways to prevent non-communicable diseases.
What Is Healing?
According to Britannica Dictionary the definition of heal, heals; healed; healing;
• To become healthy or well again
• To make (someone or something) healthy or well again

Oxford defined it to mean “the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.”
The word “heal” and “healing” in the bible means to make solid or whole. In the Bible it means the restoration of health, the making whole or well whether physically, mentally or spiritually. According to the Holy Bible, the Psalmist asked: “Who pardons all your iniquities? Who heals all your diseases?” His response is: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits” (Psalm 103:3). It is the Lord who heals. In the Old Testament the Lord God alone was the source of all healing. In every aspect of his life man is dependent on the Lord God alone.
The privilege of physical healing is governed by the will and sovereignty of God. The saying: “Doctors cure, but God heals stands true in all generation. Men can only treat, but healing is of the Lord Almighty. It is God’s prerogative to heal whomever He wills. It is His sovereign choice. In our approach to Him for healing it must be done in faith, and joy for through our pain God’s praise is heard.
In 2Corinthians 12:9-10 Paul said: “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that, Christ’s power may rest on me. 10: That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
According to Wikipedia, there are four main types of disease:
• Infectious diseases,
• Deficiency diseases,
• Hereditary diseases (including both genetic and non-genetic hereditary diseases)
• Viral diseases
House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif) in an interview on Fox News on Sunday, November 13, 2016 said: “You know, there’s 10,000 diseases, and we only have 500 cures.”
There are different ways people can be and are sick:
• Spiritually
• Physically
• Emotionally
• Psychologically
• Academically
• Mentally
• Financially
• Morally
Some of these sick people are not aware of their illness and some have refused to get healing.
• Ven. Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector Ibru Ecumenical Centre, 08035413812.


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