There is no other name – Part 2

Text: Acts 4:10-12

Key Verse: Acts 4:12, “Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.” (Contemporary English Version)

The name of Jesus cleanses a sinner and transforms the sinner into a new person. Jesus is the only name that has ever dealt with the problem of sin in man. The issue of sin in man is a matter of force controlling man. There is no way anyone can get away from sin except when Jesus comes into such a person’s life. Jesus is the only name that can save a sinner and the only name that can deliver one from sin. If you look at the teachings of other religion, their teachings merely instruct people to behave well and not to stop people from living in sin but Jesus teaches us that you can overcome sin. With the name of Jesus you can overcome sin and when you believe in His name, sin will no longer dominion have over you (Romans 6:12-14).

A story has it that there was a woman who was described as thunder and fire. In her home, she will always cause trouble. The husband never enjoyed peace for a single day because of her cantankerous nature. But one day, a certain church went out for evangelism and met this very woman and witnessed Christ to her and she genuinely accepted the gospel and got converted. She started attending church services but the husband did not believe in the genuineness of her repentance. One night both the man and the woman were in the house and the light went off. The man got up to do something and mistakenly dragged the cup glasses that were on the table and the glasses fell down and broke into pieces. The man went to one corner to wait for the wife to rain thunder and fire on him, as usual but rather than fire and thunder coming down, the woman lit the lamp and came to the place where the husband was standing and asked the husband, sir, did you wound yourself and is it well with you? The man was shocked at the response of his wife and he then knew something new has really taken place in her life. The next time the woman was going to church, the man hid somewhere and followed her to go and see what changed thunder and fire in his home. When he got there, he heard the name of Jesus, the only name that can transform life and the only name that can save a sinner. The man also believed and became a child of God.

The name of Jesus can be trusted; it can never fail you; it can change a barren situation; it has changed many barren situations for people and that name will do something great in your life today if you call upon that name. Whatever the situation surrounding you may be, believe in that name again. I have believed in this name for several years, I have seen this name work miracles in my life and this name has done a lot of great things for me.

The name of Jesus can carry you from cradle to the grave; the name of Jesus can give you scholarship anywhere; the name of Jesus can win a court case for you; the name of Jesus can heal your sick body and the name of Jesus can see you through in the pastoral ministry. If you believe and confess the name Jesus, you can never be afraid because He will never put you to shame.

• Today’s Nugget: The name of Jesus transforms life. Prayer: Jesus take over my life. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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