This Is Why You Should Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods

A growing body of research is shedding light on the disadvantages of ultra-processed foods on cardiovascular health.

These foods, which include popular items like burgers, fries, and soft drinks, have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a broad term used for conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels, including coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, carditis, heart failure, and arrhythmias. CVD is the leading cause of deaths worldwide.

Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are typically high in refined sugars, salt, carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and/or artificial additives.

These components can contribute to obesity, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

In an analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that individuals reporting the highest intake of UPF experienced increased risks of CVD mortality, death from ischemic heart disease, and all-cause mortality.

The research showed that greater exposure to ultra-processed foods was associated with higher risks of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease-related mortality, and several other health conditions.

Ultra-processed foods are typically made with many added ingredients such as sugar, salt, fat, and artificial colors or preservatives.

Here are some examples of ultra-processed foods:

1. Fast food items: Such as burgers, fries, and soft drinks.
2. Snacks: Both sweet and salty
3. Dairy desserts: Like ice cream
4. Processed meats: Such as sausages and other reconstituted meat products.
5. Pre-packaged meals: These often contain many additives.
6. Breakfast cereals: Especially those high in sugar.
7. Factory-made breads: These can contain emulsifiers, colourings, or preservatives.
8. Sweets and chocolates: These are high in sugar and often contain artificial colours and flavours.
9. Chicken nuggets: These are often made from reconstituted chicken and contain various additives.
10. Fizzy drinks: These are high in sugar and often contain artificial colours and flavours.

Healthier alternatives to ultra-processed foods are:
1. Whole Grains: Instead of white bread or other refined-grain products, take whole grain bread or other whole grain products.
2. Fresh Fruits and Vegetable: These can replace snacks like chips and cookies.
3. Lean Proteins: Choose lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.
4. Dairy: Opt for low-fat or non-fat dairy products.
5. Healthy Oils: Use oils like olive oil and avocado oil instead of butter.
6. Nuts and Seeds: These can be a healthy snack alternative to chips and other processed snacks.
9. Water: It’s always a healthier choice than sugary drinks.
10. Herbs and Spices: Use these to add flavor to your food instead of salt.
11. Homemade Sauces and Dressings: These can be healthier alternatives to store-bought versions which often contain added sugars and preservatives.

Note that not all processed foods are bad for you. For example, canned fish or vegetables and freshly made breads can be part of a healthy diet. However, ultra-processed foods often contain unhealthy levels of sugar, salt, and fat, and should be consumed in moderation.


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