Time to make the sorrowful happy

A scene of child dedication during the crusade
Many people are in sorrowful conditions because of what they are passing through in the hands of the enemy. Satan, the Devil, who is the tormentor and the accuser of believers is out to attack God’s people. His aim is to make things difficult for them; so that, they will lose faith in the Almighty God.

The Devil was cast down from heaven after suffering defeat in a battle led by Arch Angel Michael. Although the Devil (Lucifer) was the head of praise and worship group in heaven, He fell from glory when He became so proud of Himself to the level of trying to overthrow God and that led to war.

Lucifer was not only defeated in the war but was thrown out of heaven. He is now on earth fighting from all fronts and trying to make as many people as possible accompany Him to hellfire. The Devil is out to deceive people, steal their hearts, and lead them to total destruction in hell. He knows He cannot enter heaven again, so, He wants to stop people from entering too.
Cross section of worshippers at Mgbidi Crusade, Lagos

In the Garden of Eden, the Devil deceived our first parents, Adam and Eve, to disobey God. This sin of disobedience provoked God’s anger to the level that He passed punishment our first parents. Genesis 3:16-17 says: “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.17: And unto Adam he said, because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast ate of the tree of which I commanded thee, saying, thou shall not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shall thou eat of it all the days of thy life.”

Prior to the deceit, Adam and Eve were happily dwelling in the Garden of Eden, where God provided for them. Having sinned against God, they were ejected from the Garden to fend for themselves; thus attracting suffering, sorrow, lack and disappointment. The woman continued to suffer pains at childbirth even to date. In some cases the Devil will afflict her with barrenness, making her live in sorrow.

Again, sudden death of loved ones, affliction or terminal disease and the likes are agents of sorrow. In 2Samuel 22:5-6 the Bible says: “When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid; 6: The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me.” The Devil is the architect of all human sorrows. The Devil is fighting human beings as a retaliation of His defeat in the war and ejection from heaven. The only way to checkmate Devil’s activities in the life of men is to embrace Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the mankind. He died to save mankind from the bondage of the Devil. Jesus Christ has paid the price of our salvation by dying a sorrowful death on the Cross of Calvary. This is why in Matthew 26:38 he said: “Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.”

Jesus Christ defeated the Devil in the land of the dead and also liberated all of us from the yoke of the enemy. The Devil has failed. Jesus Christ was emphatic when He was speaking in John 10:10 saying, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

We are fortunate that our Lord Jesus Christ offered His life to save and prepare a place for us in heaven. He also opened the only avenue for us to resist and defeat the Devil, which is if we accept Him (Jesus Christ) as Lord and Saviour. If we fully embrace Jesus Christ, He will direct and protect us, and the Devil will flee from us with His sorrowful activities.

However, believers are directed to help those who have not known Jesus Christ to accept Him. They do this by preaching to them and drawing them closer to His knowledge. Through this means, they save souls and turn people away from sorrow to joy. We should not relent in our effort to help people come to our Lord Jesus Christ. He came purposely to deliver us from the Devil and also to save our souls. The Devil may be at His best to pull us to His side, the power of God that is protecting us form Him will not allow that if daily lead a holy lifestyle. If God is with us, there is nothing the Devil can do; therefore, do your best to bring as many people as possible to Christ because they will be liberated and make heaven in Jesus’ name.

Selfless Service Brings Stupendous Blessings
My name is Bro. David Kolawole Oyede. I am from Ogun State, but I am based in Cotonou, Benin Republic. I joined this ministry in April 2016 and, my family and I thank God for it. I also appreciate God for granting me genuine salvation.

In 2016, when I was rounding off my studies; by profession, I am an interpreter and have many churches I interpret for. I told my friend, who is a member of this ministry that I would like to interpret for his church, then I was not a member, but he replied that the Lord’s Chosen does not pay interpreters, so, I gave up the idea.

During that period, I had an encounter, where a member of the Ogboni fraternity tormented me. The man tormented me in my dreams to the point that I had to run for dear life. In one of the attacks, I ran and hid in an uncompleted building when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. Turning, I saw a giant man, who said: “My son, follow me and I woke up.” I later heard a voice that said I should follow my friend to the Lord’s Chosen Church.

I did as instructed. And on one of the Thursday evening services, I was given the opportunity to interpret and the words of God I was interpreting sunk in me. The words came like never before and turned my life 360 degrees around for the better. This made me to stop going to other ministries where I was well paid to interpret and within two months, the Lord took over all my battles. The torment stopped.

Also, my parents persecuted me for joining the Lord’s Chosen Church, they urged me to leave the church, but I refused, but now all that is over.

In one of the days I was struggling if to worship with the Lord’s Chosen Church or not, I fasted and prayed for God to reveal our G.O to me. The Lord showed me in a dream where G.O was amid 10 billion of angles at his beck and call. I did not understand the dream until I came to the programme, “… And the Enemies Submitted,” in Lagos. What I saw at the programme confirmed what I saw in that dream.

Moreover, in 2019, our G.O visited us in Benin Republic for a programme, titled, “Arrival Of The Master.” I was in the church working, when G.O. came to me and said: “You are blessed.” I claimed it and from that day, God changed my story from a phone and phone accessories seller to an importer.

In November, I came for “Hope For The Needy Crusade,” and G.O said, we should key into a testifiers testimony and sow a seed for the forth coming crusade, which I did with a N100,000 and also redeemed it. After that, anything I touch turns around for my good. Praise the Lord!

I give God all the glory for all He has done in my life, family and business. May His name be glorified forever, amen! I also pray for our G.O and his entire family, Chosen Pastors, leaders, workers and members worldwide. I wish them heaven at last in Jesus’ name.


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