Tinubu did not influence electoral process —Shettima

Nigeria vice president Kashim Shettima

Vice President Kashim Shettima, yesterday, disclosed that President Bola Tinubu never used his office to influence electoral process since he assumed office.

He stated that the president and the presidency decided to steer clear of electoral process because of the belief in political freedom, fair play and justice.
Shettima said: “President Bola Tinubu never influenced electoral process and we (presidency) never used instruments of office to hunt or hound perceived opponents.”

As a principal guest and guest speaker at the 30th anniversary of Yusuf Aluand Co (Ghalib chambers), in Ilorin, Shettima and Babatunde Fashola agreed that the call for parliamentary system of government being championed in some quarters may not necessarily be the way out of perceived unjust distribution of commonwealth and infrastructure in the country.

They, however, advised those calling for the return of the country to parliamentary system of government to deeply think and reflect on whether the reasons that caused its collapse in the first republic have been taken care of or not.

They stated that only quality governance would shape the society not system of government.
According to Shettima, democracy can only survive by adherence to rule of law and quality of governance not by perliamentary system.
According to him, many nations collapsed because of lack of access to truth and good governance.

Fashola recalled that Nigeria once practiced parliamentary system but failed,which led the country into unwarranted disaster.

He asked: “Let’s think deeply why parliamentary system failed us and if we had overcome those reasons?”

Rather than calling fora change of system of government, the former minister of works and housing suggested liberal democracy that would ensure better and improved livelihood of Nigerians.

“If purpose is sincere, there will be better life for all even under the present system of government.”

“Those calling for change of government are the canvassers of restructuring which can be done with constitutional review/amendment of the areas not suitable for us,” he suggested.

He stated that poor distribution of commonwealth and uneven development often played common reason for the call for change of system of government.

Fashola, however, blamed the call for a change of system on poor education, especially of political history.

In his welcome address, the Founder of Ghalib, Prof Yusuf Ali, appreciated God for what he described as infinite favour and blessings for turning the fortune of the firm beyond calculated expectations.


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