Tinubu’s reforms will make Nigeria 22nd century superpower, says group

President Tinubu. Photo:Twitter

Independent Media and Policy Initiative (IMPI) has said the reforms being emplaced by the President Bola Tinubu-led administration will lead to Nigeria’s emergence as a 22nd century superpower.

IMPI chaired by Niyi Akinsiju, after the President’s visit to Qatar, assured that the measures put in place by Tinubu would sooner than later yield fruitful dividends.

The policy think-tank, while canvassing the understanding of Nigerians grappling with the pains that go with the reformatory measures, contended that the market-driven policies in place remained the best option for the country.

IMPI noted: “President Tinubu reinforced his commitment to going the whole hog with the implementation of these policies when he publicly declared during his visit to Qatar that, ‘This economy, we will grow it, and we will feed ourselves out of penury. If it’s corruption, we must exterminate it, no matter how hard it is to fight back.’”

“We find this declaration instructive. It affirms the President’s unwavering commitment to seeing through the reforms he has undertaken to implement. We also agree with the President’s call on Nigerians to persevere at this time because, according to him, nation-building requires perseverance and patriotism to succeed.”

It is to these two value orientations, it added, that we call the attention of Nigerians. “In truth, the Nigerian economy had been buffeted from different sides by many domestic and global assailing factors between 2016 and 2020, which may provide an understanding of the insistence of the Federal Government and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on state-controlled and managed economy for the benefits of the poor and vulnerable.

“Yet, after many years of the control and managed options, we are left with an economy in stagnation; one that depends on the periodic boom in the oil and gas sector to deliver momentary economic prosperity.”

The group, therefore, declared unalloyed support for the policies being advanced by the Tinubu administration to enable a market-driven economy. “This is where we believe the fortunes of this great country can and would be unlocked.”


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