To Nigerian brand managers: How to unlock opportunities

SIR: We extend this open letter to you, recognising the transformative power of collaboration between creative talents and brands. As the visionary behind That Good Media, the team’s focus is not just on managing the talents and their careers but on nurturing individuals who can deliver efficiently across various domains.

We believe in fostering a community of talents, whose impact extends beyond their craft, but also understanding the need to harness opportunities, economic, social etc, as well as contributing positively to society. 

In recent years, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool, offering a unique edge over traditional and other marketing methods and the digital era has witnessed a significant shift in consumer behaviour with influencers now holding a special place in the hearts of their followers. This personal connection fosters a sense of trust and endearment, which when leveraged effectively by brands, significantly influences how they are perceived. 

Our talents boast a large and devoted fan base, and again, leveraging the authentic relationship between influencers and their followers can lead to heightened brand loyalty and increased visibility. 

On a humane level, over the past years, it has become evident that actors, despite their immense talent, often face challenges in securing health insurance, retirement plans, and stable livelihoods due to the budget constraints of many productions in Nigeria. It is my hope that brands see the unique opportunity to contribute significantly to the creative industry, particularly the Film and TV sector, by sponsoring movies, creative projects, and engaging these talents as ambassadors or influencers. 

While streaming platforms like Netflix and Prime Video (which recently announced its impending exit from Africa and the MENA region) undoubtedly transformed the industry with the inflow of foreign capital, they can only accommodate a limited number of talents from the vast pool available. This leaves a considerable number of skilled and experienced actors, renowned for entertaining millions of Nigerians, Africans and the global black community with poor remuneration leading to them facing challenges in meeting essential economic needs like rent and healthcare. 

As this year is still being unveiled, we encourage brand managers to consider the untapped potential within the creative industry. Utilising talents for marketing campaigns not only provides a fresh and authentic approach unique to each talent but also supports the growth of a vibrant creative community. 

That Good Media is here to offer our expertise and support in developing tailor-made strategies for each brand in collaboration with our talents. Together, we can create impactful campaigns that resonate with audiences and elevate your brand to new heights. 

We look forward to fruitful collaborations and the collective growth of our talents and your brands. 
Toyosi Etim-Effiong is the founder/CEO of That Good Media. 



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