Today Is World Hepatitis Day

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this message is for you, so just take out time today and read and get tested when you cant.

Today is World Hepatitis Day and we it is an initiative to spread the word on Hepatitis, sure some of you know what Hepatitis means and others have heard it a lot and cannot be bothered by what it actually is. So a little bit of education on the Hepatitis virus.

Hepatitis means injury to the liver with inflammation of the liver cells.

Types of Hepatitis include;

– Hepatitis A  is caused by eating infected food or drinking infected water.

– Hepatitis B is an STD  caused by the virus HBV (hepatitis B virus) and is spread by contact with infected blood, semen, and some other body fluids.

– Hepatitis C is usually spread through direct contact with the blood of a person who has the disease. It is caused by the virus HCV (hepatitis C Virus).

– A person who is already infected with hepatitis B can become infected with hepatitis D. It is caused by the virus HDV (Hepatitis D Virus). Infection is through contact with infected blood, unprotected sex, and perforation of the skin with infected needles.

– A person can become infected by drinking water that contains HEV (hepatitis E virus).

–  Hepatitis X occurs when a hepatitis cannot be attributed to the viruses of hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E, it is called hepatitis X (hepatitis of an unknown virus(.

– Hepatitis G is caused by the hepatitis G virus (HGV). Usually there are no symptoms. When there are symptoms, they are very mild.

Worldwide 400 million people are living with hepatitis B or C. Every year 1.4 million people die from viral hepatitis and yet all of these deaths could be prevented. With better awareness and understanding of how we can prevent hepatitis we can eliminate this disease and save 4,000 lives a day.

This is not a case of what you don’t know wouldn’t kill you. Please get tested and know your status. Spread the word, better safe than sorry. It sounds scary right?

Face your fears and get tested today.

